Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
Hi Shawn, Ricardo from Wimac here. I remember you mentioned a motorcycle group you use to ride with. Well, just got my license and would like to know if I could eventually tag along.. Cheers, Ricardo.
C'est parti pour la commande de chez Hobby King. See you in two week
Turkana is selling an EXCELLENT radio, Futaba 10C, one of the best...
Beto from Vancouver....
Great! I will pass early this afternoon and call you before I leave my place.
Hey! don't take the risk that it would be stolen i.e. I'd rather manage to meet you at you place when you will be there. Any time constraint on you side?
Let me know,
Shawn, are you available to fly on Sunday? WIMAC or the lake would be OK for me. The weather does not look too bad -3C, intermittent flurries 15km/hr wind, could be worse.
Hello shawn, will you be going to the clu today. I might come down, and if i can scrape up some money I would like to pay for a memebership...