Conversation Between briankizner and Mike Rogers
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
Our instructors would be happy to help you learn. Yes, you should start by buying a good trainer package. There are many good ones. A lot depends on how quickly you want to star flying. If you are in a hurry, get an Almost Ready to Fly (ARF). The Nexstar is popular because it is complete , cheap, easy to set up, and has a good warranty. The downside is that it is an adequate, though not great, flyer with weak landing gear. Look through our classifieds and see what people have to sell.
If you want to build, there are many good kits.
Come to the field any nice Saturday or Sunday and members who are there will help you get started.
Hi Brian
My son Andrew and I are interested in getting into RC flying and we want to know how we can get basic training etc. to get started safely.
We've had some fun with smaller "toy" RC aircraft, but are now shopping for a trainer. Have sent in an application to MAAC and will join WIMAC.
Can you give us some directions?
Mike Rogers