View Full Version : Lost Plane - FMS Sbach 342 1300mm

2021-09-07, 12:33 PM
My plane went down yesterday in the trees at the south east end of the runway.
Temporary loss of control and couldn't recover. The same type of wierd behavior occured last Saturday as well but that time I recovered and brought the plane down safely. I changed my receiver after that, hoping the problem would not occur. But not the case. I'm trying to think if I'm doing something wrong - but I don't know what. Apparently some other people have lost thier planes in that area this year. I'm hearing that there is a cell phone tower nearby. I also heard that there is a lot of turbulence in that area caused by the wind going over the trees.
Anyone have an idea of what might be causing this phenomenon (if any) and what I can do to prevent from losing another one of my planes. It looks like this aircraft model will be a total loss for me.

2021-09-07, 01:11 PM
Many planes have been lost there-My Cub went out of control over those trees!

2021-09-07, 03:22 PM
Ya that area has a nick name, the WIMAC triangle :-)
No one seems to understand why, like you said, several people have reported the same problem including myself 3 years ago. Numerous theories have been discussed here like the cell phone tower, turbulence, radio interference from aliens sources etc. but no real answer was ever found or accepted. Just stay out of there :-)