View Full Version : Vol intérieur / Indoor 2020

Michael O'Bree
2019-09-17, 04:13 PM
La saison de vol en gym du Club Wimac est au Collège Charlemagne (gymnase #2) les mardis de 7 janvier au 24 mars 2020 SAUF 3 mars (collège fermé)

Heures : de 18h30 à 20h30.
Les mêmes règles que par le passé.
Maximums: Avions 300g, Hélis 250, Quads 450. Pas d'hélices en carbone.
Gratuit pour les membres du Club Wimac, 10$ par soir pour les autres.
Le MAAC est requis.

Les règlements de notre contrat avec Le Collège Charlemagne:
- Seulement les chaussures de sport sont admises dans les gymnases.
- Aucune nourriture n’est permise dans les gymnases.
- Il est important lors de notre location d'attendre que les élèves soient sortis du gymnase avant d'y entrer.

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Club WIMAC Indoor flying season is at Collège Charlemagne (Gym #2) on every Tuesday from 7 January to 24 March 2020 EXCEPT 3 March (College closed)

Hours: 6:30 to 8:30 pm.
Same safety rules as in the past.
Maximum sizes: Planes 300g, Helis 250, Quads 450. No carbon props.
Free for Club Wimac members, 10$ for visiting non-members.
MAAC membership required

Rules of our contract with College Charlemagne:
- Only sports shoes allowed in the gyms
- No food allowed in the gyms
- It is important to wait for the students to exit the gym before we enter gym at the beginning of our session.

2019-09-20, 03:40 PM
Bravo,well organized as usual Michael.

2019-10-01, 09:51 PM
Looking forward to it. Tons of fun!

Voici ce que je vais construire cette année :


Michael O'Bree
2019-11-18, 10:01 PM
Take it to the next level Luc - see 1min 40 of the video!


2019-11-19, 05:16 AM
Take it to the next level Luc - see 1min 40 of the video!


You bet!

Merci Michael

2019-11-21, 11:15 PM
Am told there is a new version of the Clik R2 from RC Factory coming out tomorrow, have one on order with Michel at Distribution aux Modeliste, he's placing his order tomorrow if you want to get one.

2019-11-22, 12:02 AM
Am told there is a new version of the Clik R2 from RC Factory coming out tomorrow, have one on order with Michel at Distribution aux Modeliste, he's placing his order tomorrow if you want to get one.

That's right and they're all out of stock on the Twisted Hobbys site. Interesting. Might build one too before January...

2019-11-22, 12:10 AM
Am told there is a new version of the Clik R2 from RC Factory coming out tomorrow, have one on order with Michel at Distribution aux Modeliste, he's placing his order tomorrow if you want to get one.

What color did you choose? I will pick a different one :)

2019-11-22, 11:19 AM
What color did you choose? I will pick a different one :)
I chose dark blue, but no need to worry about choosing a different color, yours will be under control and mine will be crashing all the time :)

2019-11-25, 04:35 PM
I chose dark blue, but no need to worry about choosing a different color, yours will be under control and mine will be crashing all the time :)

I will challenge you my friend...if you build it right, this will give you much more confidence...

Mine is ordered! Green will be the color!

Michael O'Bree
2020-01-04, 05:48 PM
See you there (https://www.wimac.ca/forum/showpost.php?p=54466&postcount=1)

2020-01-07, 11:14 PM
Some pictures from tonight.

2020-01-07, 11:17 PM
The phone camera doesn't seems very good for action shots :-)

2020-01-08, 07:08 PM
Great photos. Thanks for sharing.

2020-01-14, 06:22 PM
All nice, thanks for the pics!

Dwight Macdonald
2020-01-14, 10:36 PM
It was a great night to do lots of flying! ... Only a few pilots out ...https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200115/50f3bab8a7e2b8ebe071082498c561ee.jpg

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

2020-01-14, 11:02 PM
Nice clear shot. Captures the evening.

Michael O'Bree
2020-01-16, 03:14 PM
WIMAC has been contacted by Collège Charlemagne regarding someone who was flying an indoor RC aircraft between 14h and 17h in gym #2 on Tuesday 14th January.

If any WIMAC member or guest has any information on who this might have been, please contact Michael O’Bree via our WIMAC website Private Messaging.

Please note that WIMAC’s rental of indoor space at Collège Charlemagne is subject to the rules posted (https://www.wimac.ca/forum/showpost.php?p=54466&postcount=1) on our Indoor Flying post which must be strictly observed. This includes strictly observing the hours of access and use of the premises on Tuesday evenings, 18:30h to 20:30h ONLY.

Breaking these rules could subject our Club to sanctions by the Collège, including additional charges and cancellation of our rental.

WIMAC a été contacté par le Collège Charlemagne au sujet d'une personne qui pilotait un avion RC intérieur entre 14h et 17h dans le gymnase # 2 le mardi 14 janvier.

Si un membre ou un invité de WIMAC a des informations sur qui cela pourrait être, veuillez contacter Michael O’Bree via notre messagerie privée sur le site Web de WIMAC.

Veuillez noter que la location d'espace intérieur par WIMAC au Collège Charlemagne est soumise aux règles affichées (https://www.wimac.ca/forum/showpost.php?p=54466&postcount=1) sur notre poste de vol intérieur qui doivent être strictement respectées. Cela comprend le strict respect des heures d'accès et d'utilisation des locaux le mardi soir, de 18h30 à 20h30 UNIQUEMENT.

Le non-respect de ces règles pourrait soumettre notre Club à des sanctions de la part du Collège, notamment des frais supplémentaires et l'annulation de notre location.

Michael O'Bree
2020-01-16, 06:19 PM
Le Collège a corrigé ses informations: le vol non autorisé a eu lieu entre 17h00 et 18h30 le mardi 14.

The Collège have corrected their information: the unauthorized flying was between 17:00h and 18:30h on Tuesday 14th.

2020-01-18, 06:54 AM
Cette situation n'est pas à prendre à la légère surtout dans une école; où les adultes ne sont généralement pas autorisés sur les lieux sans être accompagnés par un membre du personnel pendant la journée pour des raisons évidentes que je n'entrerai pas dans les détails.
Alors, qui que ce soit, veuillez vous abstenir de mettre en danger la relation de WIMAC avec l'école pour votre profit personnel.
This situation is not to be taken lightly especially being in a school; where adults are not usually allowed on the premises unescorted by a staff member during the day for obvious reasons which I won’t go into.
So, who ever it was please refrain from jeopardizing WIMAC’s relationship with the school for your own personal gain.

2020-01-18, 11:28 AM
I would check if the school has security cameras in the gym or parking area.

2020-01-29, 06:11 PM
Si jamais la personne qui a oublié ses piles hier soir lit ce message, pas de soucis je les ai ramassées (et chargées). Je les apporterai la semaine prochaine.

If the person who left lipos in the gym yesterday night reads this message, no worries I picked them up (and charged them). Will bring them next week.

2020-01-31, 03:20 PM
Hi Luc:
Thanks for picking them up and charging them!!!
See you on Tuesday.
All the best

2020-02-05, 04:15 PM
Une autre belle soirée / Another great evening:


2020-02-05, 05:00 PM
Wow super video et interview...Merci Luc.

Kevin Rochon
2020-02-05, 08:07 PM
Encore une autre belle maquette de Mezri, bon sujet:cool:

2020-02-12, 12:55 PM
Hi Luc:
Thanks for picking them up and or charging them!!!
See you on Tuesday.
All the best

Unfortunately many encounters yesterday night but thank God we have FOAM TAC to the rescue.

Now that we have a growing fleet of Clicks (21 and other) you NEED to have some Foam Tac around. You can fly in a few minutes once the glue is starting to dry!

Also...we need moke Fokkers, this kit is so much fun. Starting to make me put the Click in second place!

2020-02-12, 12:56 PM
Wow super video et interview...Merci Luc.

C'est toujours un plaisir!

Les autres n'hésitez pas, avec le iPhone et Youtube c'est devenu si facile de publier...

2020-02-12, 07:07 PM
La clique des Clik :-)

Sorry for the inverted pictures. They looks ok on my phone and laptop... :-(

2020-02-12, 07:15 PM
Formation flying with 2 Clik in Switzerland.


Dwight Macdonald
2020-02-12, 09:35 PM
Very nice flying!

2020-02-14, 04:43 PM
OK, j'suis convaincu ..

2020-02-15, 07:16 PM
OK, j'suis convaincu ..

Yes! Tu ne le regretteras pas!

2020-02-16, 11:33 AM
Last Tuesday; Lucas flying FPV


2020-02-16, 11:57 AM
Bravo Lucas!!!

Papa, penche ton téléphone pour filmer dans le sens de l'écran (paysage) ;)

Kevin Rochon
2020-02-17, 07:03 PM
Bon vol pour Lucas mais papa lui?:D

2020-02-17, 08:29 PM
Bon vol pour Lucas mais papa lui?:D

Trop occupé à charger des batteries!!!

2020-02-17, 08:48 PM
Very nice flying Lucas!:)

2020-02-25, 08:04 PM
Live at WIMAC



Dwight Macdonald
2020-02-26, 12:01 AM
Thanks Michael, nice to see the action! How many pilots were out?

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

Michael O'Bree
2020-02-26, 12:09 AM
14 (+ 1 disabled spectator - me:o)
Thanks Michael, nice to see the action! How many pilots were out?

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

Michael O'Bree
2020-02-26, 04:01 PM
Prochaine vol intérieur: le 10 mars.

Next Indoor: 10 March

Michael O'Bree
2020-03-06, 08:43 AM
Veuillez noter que nous tentons d'échanger la session intérieure du 17 mars pour une autre date afin que les membres puissent assister à la consultation publique sans manquer une session. Le Collège est fermé cette semaine mais nous devrions avoir des nouvelles la semaine prochaine - regardez cet espace!


Please note we are attempting to swap the 17 March Indoor session for another date so that members can attend the Public Consultation without missing a session. The College is closed this week but we should have news next week - watch this space!

Michael O'Bree
2020-03-09, 04:15 PM
7 avril / 7 April:

Gymnase # 2 - 18h30 à 20h30

Michael O'Bree
2020-03-14, 10:52 AM
En raison du virus COVID-19, le Collège Charlemagne a annoncé sa fermeture pour deux semaines. À moins de changements supplémentaires, la prochaine et dernière session WIMAC Indoor 2020 aura lieu le 7 avril.


Due to the COVID-19 virus Collège Charlemagne has announced it will be closed for two weeks. Unless there are further changes, the next and last 2020 WIMAC Indoor session will be on 7th April.

2020-03-14, 02:11 PM
Je souhaite que tous ne soient pas trop affectés par la situation. Prenez soin de vous et vos familles


I hope that all of you will be ok. Take good care of yourselves and your families

Michael O'Bree
2020-03-25, 04:55 PM
En raison de la fermeture de toutes les écoles du Québec jusqu'au 1er mai au moins, il n'y aura évidemment plus de sessions WIMAC Indoor cette saison. Le Collège Charlemagne est convaincu qu'il sera en mesure de prendre des dispositions satisfaisantes pour nos deux sessions annulées après la fin de la crise.

Pour les neuf soirées en salle cette année, un nombre moyen de 14 membres et invités étaient présents. Les frais d'invité se sont élevés à 160 $.

Restez en sécurité.


Due to the closure of all schools in Quebec until at least 1st May, evidently there will be no more WIMAC Indoor sessions this season. The College Charlemagne is confident it will be able to make satisfactory arrangements for our two cancelled sessions after the crisis is over.

For the nine Indoor evenings this year an average number of 14 members and guests attended. Guest fees amounted to $160.

Stay safe.

2020-08-30, 09:08 AM
Hello. my name is Emanuell, is my first time i join the club wimac.

when can i go to visite the air field site. THANK YOU.

Michael O'Bree
2020-08-30, 11:05 AM
Hi Emanuel -

As mentioned in my email, your best bet to visit the field before becoming a member would be to see when members plan to be at the field and then to turn up at the field at that time. If any members are present, the gate should be closed but not locked so you will be able to open it. Please close the gate behind you when you come in.

The members normally announce there plans to be at the field here:

Forum>WIMAC>Field Roll Call (https://www.wimac.ca/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=6)

To apply for membership, see here:

Club Information>Application Forms (https://www.wimac.ca/index.php?page=forms)