View Full Version : Winter Flying at New St-Laurent Soccerplex
2017-11-16, 10:23 PM
Hi All,
Saint-Laurent inaugurated earlier this year a new sports complex located on Thimens Boulevard. The complex includes an interior soccer pitch.
Would there be any interest in organizing indoor flying sessions on a periodic basis there? If so, what would you be interested flying there?
I'm interested in flying multi-copters, both FPV and pure R/C.
2017-11-17, 10:50 AM
yes I am interested also. I fly FPV and multirotor/quads.
2017-11-17, 11:11 AM
Oui en effet cette formule serait très intéressante pour le vol intérieur l'hiver même si il faut débourser quelques dollars pour cette activité.
Dwight Macdonald
2017-11-17, 10:30 PM
I would be interested in flying there occasionally depending on the time and the price.
2017-11-18, 11:49 AM
me too, its less than 4km :)...what would be the prices and disponibilities
2017-11-18, 01:48 PM
The indoor soccer pitch costs $170/hour to rent. I'm inquiring about availability next.
I'm initially thinking of doing it once a month and offering to sign-up either per individual session, or through a discounted package deal for the Winter and Spring. Would that make sense?
2017-11-18, 02:08 PM
Would WIMAC be interested in sponsoring the activity?
Alternately, I'm considering starting a new MAAC affiliated club, which would require somewhat more paperwork (which I'm pretty familiar with anyways).
I'm also thinking of working with the Region to arrange an "Introduction to Multi-Rotor Flying" course, re-using the one developed by Jean-Guy Ouellette.
Ronald Longtin
2017-11-18, 07:12 PM
The indoor soccer pitch costs $170/hour to rent. I'm inquiring about availability next.
I'm initially thinking of doing it once a month and offering to sign-up either per individual session, or through a discounted package deal for the Winter and Spring. Would that make sense?
C’est deux fois plus cher que notre loyer à Charlemagne. Possiblement intéressant pour de plus gros modèles.
Distribution aux modélistes offre déjà un environnement similaire, quoique tard en soirée.
Voici la saison Indoor de Wimac
2017-11-18, 07:46 PM
C’est deux fois plus cher que notre loyer à Charlemagne. Possiblement intéressant pour de plus gros modèles.
Distribution aux modélistes offre déjà un environnement similaire, quoique tard en soirée.
Voici la saison Indoor de Wimac
Effectivement, c'est plus dispendieux. Mais, comme tu le mentionnes, l'espace plus grand pourrait permettre le vol de plus gros modèles. Aussi, en utilisant les rideaux qui permettent de séparer le terrain de soccer en trois terrains de mini-soccer, on se retrouve avec deux, ou trois espaces de vol, donc on peut avoir plus de monde dans les airs simultanément si on gère bien le "binding" des avions, télécommandes et fréquences vidéo pour le FPV
Le complexe de Saint-Laurent pourrait aussi intéressé un bassin de pilotes qui trouvent que le voyage jusque dans l'ouest de Pierrefonds prend du temps qu'ils préféreraient passer derrière les commandes plutôt que le volant. Le complexe est aussi plus facile d'accès par transport en commun.
Je crois que les 2 offres se complémenteraient bien et permettraient à plus de pilotes de voler.
Sur un autre aspect, ce complexe multi-sports reçoit un trafic pas mal important, ce qui donne de la visibilité à la pratique de l'aéromodélisme à un public qui ne connaît pas vraiment le milieu. Le terrain de soccer intérieur est séparé de ses estrades, qui couvrent sa longueur complète, par un filet de protection permanent. Ceci n'imposerait alors aucune restriction d'accès pour les spectateurs durant les session de vol.
J'ai affiché des photos de l'espace prise durant une visite cet après-midi sur la page Facebook de la Zone MAAC - Saint-Laurent au lien ci-dessous:¬if_id=1511045829725826¬if_t=like
2017-11-19, 01:16 PM
I am definitely interested in this new place. Would we be allowed to fly nitro inside? Just kidding. I am interested.
2017-11-19, 03:37 PM
I am definitely interested in this new place. Would we be allowed to fly nitro inside? Just kidding. I am interested.
2017-11-23, 04:22 PM
did anybody looked at the price for the Lachine soccer plex.
would probably be interested if on Saturday or Sunday.
Je suis très intéressé. Ce site est impressionnant. A côté de mon ancienne polyvalente!
Michael O'Bree
2017-11-25, 12:17 PM
The prospect of using the St-Laurent Sports Complex for say, 3 sessions, was discussed at some length at the AGM. One potential barrier that came to light is that the administrators have never rented out the space for RC use and have concerns.
Also, the information we had regarding the pricing is not confirmed and maybe unreliable. Also, availablilty of the space regarding days and times of interest to members is not received. As soon as we receive definitive information on these details, we will post them, and if appropriate, do a quick Poll to gage member interest more accurately.
2017-11-25, 05:08 PM
The prospect of using the St-Laurent Sports Complex for say, 3 sessions, was discussed at some length at the AGM. One potential barrier that came to light is that the administrators have never rented out the space for RC use and have concerns.
Also, the information we had regarding the pricing is not confirmed and maybe unreliable. Also, availablilty of the space regarding days and times of interest to members is not received. As soon as we receive definitive information on these details, we will post them, and if appropriate, do a quick Poll to gage member interest more accurately.
I concur with Michael. The one thing that is sure at this time is that we will not create a conflict with the Winter's Tuesday evening indoor flying sessions.
2017-11-25, 05:35 PM
What I have seen in the last 3 or 4 seasons of indoor winter flying at our regular place is:
1) The number of members attending is about 15 to 19
2) In the last 2 or 3 sessions of flying on every one of those seasons the attendance drops substantially (around 8 to 10).
Maybe fatigue? I wonder what extra flying days will do!
However the members present are always ready to go for beer and pizza.
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