View Full Version : New member

2015-04-18, 05:46 PM
hello all
I'm a new member this year, looking forward to meeting members and learning
About rc flying. I have a couple of electric trainers, 4 four channels with about 36" wing span. I usually fly in the laurentians on a lake with floats, I'm not good at it, nor do I have any formal training. I have read the article regarding beginners, and I'd say that's where I belong at this stage in my learning curve.
Look forward to being properly introduced to the sport.
Best Regards
Alan Rothstein

2015-04-18, 05:58 PM
We have some good instructors that will get you in the air and back on the runway in no time. Welcome!

2015-04-18, 07:19 PM
Welcome, what type of radio do you have, spectrum, Futaba, etc...

Burning Head
2015-04-18, 09:51 PM
Welcome Alen, you sre at the right place to practice and enjoy your new hobby:)

antoine zabal
2015-04-19, 01:27 AM
I know some one with the same name that is or was member at Lord Reading Yacht Club .. Is that you?

2015-04-21, 02:11 AM
welcome to the club