View Full Version : Drones and more drones.

2015-02-23, 10:58 AM
An excellent documentary from CBC (our Canadian radio and TV) about drones.
I saw it last night and the whole episode is for you to sit in front of your PC here.

Another one from a new organization in the US submitted by Steve Woloz.


Obviously, the drones subject is getting very hot and it will get hotter. Recently the US has proposed some regulations to the field which will have to be commented and approved in the long term.

And so it goes...

Kevin Rochon
2015-02-23, 08:59 PM
Yes I saw it, very interesting, they will never be able to moderate it, it's getting too big.

Burning Head
2015-02-23, 10:16 PM
Je suis sure qu'il existe déjà des '' 2.4 TX signal jammer '' home made pour contrer les pilotes téméraires de certaine zone de vol... C'est un outils facile a développer