View Full Version : A few questions:

2013-12-18, 11:08 PM
Hellow, I have a few questions in couldn't fing a answer on th web:
1- what is the difference between 2-4 cycle engines? I know how they both work and that 4 cycle is more expensive. Are there any performance or other differences?
-2 why are there like 9 channel transmitters? You only need like max 6 if with flaps and retractable wheels. Maybe another one for the smoke pump, but like 9 channels, 12 and all that... What the point?
-3 gas engines, do they eat real car gasoline? And are there more performant than glow or others? Why do they need the spark and not the glow. I am just curious.
4- I saw some old cox engines with no carb, do they work on the liquid? Just curious.

Thanks, if you answer on any one of them. I am just curious to know more.

Kevin Rochon
2013-12-19, 12:15 AM
Hellow, I have a few questions in couldn't fing a answer on th web:
1- what is the difference between 2-4 cycle engines? I know how they both work and that 4 cycle is more expensive. Are there any performance or other differences?
-2 why are there like 9 channel transmitters? You only need like max 6 if with flaps and retractable wheels. Maybe another one for the smoke pump, but like 9 channels, 12 and all that... What the point?
-3 gas engines, do they eat real car gasoline? And are there more performant than glow or others? Why do they need the spark and not the glow. I am just curious.
4- I saw some old cox engines with no carb, do they work on the liquid? Just curious.

Thanks, if you answer on any one of them. I am just curious to know more.

1- 4 cycle quieter than 2 cycle but has more torque than the later so bigger prop. 4cycle more for scale or aerobatic, 2 cycle more speed.

2- more channels is for more mixing, let say you have 2 ailerons and 2 flaps you can use 4 channels and use mixing to use the whole thing as giant flap or air brake as an example. Also on most aerobatics plane we use two servos for the elevators so 2 channels so you can connect them opposite so you reverse one of then so they move the same way.

3- You use gasoline mixed with oil since they are 2 cycle engines like chainsaws, very cheap to run. Glow is more powerful in the smaller size so gas is more for bigger size 40cc and up when you need power. Gas engine tends to weights more in the smaller size.

4- probably just a needle valve so it must run only at full power.

Hope this helps;)

2013-12-19, 08:34 AM
Thanks a lot! Now I understand. :)