View Full Version : Searching for someone to pick me up.

2013-11-26, 10:51 PM
Hellow, my name is Roman! I am 16, I am new to this forum, I alsow speek French.

In December, I plan to join the club, to have fun, learn to fly my aero-star .40.... But for now, I don't have a real way to get there.... My mom really can't drop me, I can't fit all the stuff with equipment in train/metro/bus.... So I need someone than leaves not far from me or that can pass by to pick me up, thank you.

I live in ndg, next to cote saint luc, in the middle of Montreal island. If you can pick me up at any time and drop me back at any time alsow, I can stay from 30m to like 6h there, so no pressure. It would be really great. I am friendly, open, in curious in the hobby.
Thanks, if you can pick me up or have any knowledge of transport I can take, just write in comments :). Thanks, bye.

Burning Head
2013-11-27, 10:43 AM
That seem to be a big brothers task...Donne nous les rues ou artères principaux les plus proche de chez vous comme info supplémentaires. En basse saison (décembre a fin Mars) , je te suggère de planifier que sur les fin de semaines pour tes visites au Wimac. Ils y auras beaucoup plus d'instructeurs pour t'aider. Assure toi que tous tes batteries TX, RX et glow plug sont tous bien charger avant ta visite, c'a fais plus sérieux pour les instructeurs:)

2013-11-27, 05:55 PM
Ok, Merci pour l'info, je vais toujours bien charger mes affaires,

I live on Connaught street, next to west broadway, 5282 h4v 1x6, I can come on any weekend, as long as some one can drop me on/ off, :) .