View Full Version : Fall flying

2013-09-24, 09:55 PM
It seems that the weather might be cooperating with us this weekend.
Perhaps a good BBQ to kick off the fall flying season on Saturday!

Kevin Rochon
2013-09-24, 11:17 PM
Last time you posted in advanced a BBQ we got nice weather I hope it's going to be the same.

I guess it make good vibes to push away the bad weather
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRcRnOIDAuJr13LTv4AcKmNIuORAP9HY 88Ax9N2Yrf6qMjr2Azw

2013-09-25, 08:48 AM
I will bring cooler with ice water and drinks !! :)

2013-09-25, 10:51 AM
Saturday so far seems to be the best day!:)

2013-09-25, 05:39 PM
Do you still have things to BBQ or we should bring something?

2013-09-25, 06:59 PM
We still have some hotdogs frozen.

2013-09-25, 07:52 PM
I WORK SATURDAY....damn:angry:

2013-09-25, 08:13 PM
I WORK SATURDAY....damn:angry:

We'll put a hotdog in the impound box for you. :D
I'm sure Sunday will be good as well.

2013-09-25, 08:16 PM
We'll put a hotdog in the impound box for you. :D


2013-09-25, 09:13 PM
Billy I forgot to ask, mustard & relish?:D

Kevin Rochon
2013-09-25, 09:28 PM
We still have some hotdogs frozen.


2013-09-25, 09:43 PM

Tofu doesn't freeze well, we'll get some. :eek:

2013-09-25, 11:49 PM
Billy I forgot to ask, mustard & relish?:D

You are a sadist;)

Kevin Rochon
2013-09-26, 12:06 AM
You are a sadist;)

I know they are not the tastiest but at least they're healthier, anyways with ketchup and relish who can tell;)

2013-09-27, 09:08 PM
Ok, so who's going?

I have some hotdogs 12, chicken burgers 6, veggie dogs 6, veggie burgers 4

Tomorrow supposed to be a very nice day.

See you at the field. :)

Kevin Rochon
2013-09-27, 09:32 PM
I'll try to make it early if I don't work too late tonite:rolleyes:

2013-09-27, 11:08 PM
I'm going as early as i can !! :)

Tarek Hassoune
2013-09-27, 11:10 PM
Will be there

2013-09-27, 11:14 PM
Aiming for 9am

2013-09-28, 09:34 AM
Aiming for 9am

...no flying before 10 AM.....

2013-09-28, 10:31 AM
Will be there also

2013-09-28, 10:41 AM
Be ther around noon.

Kevin Rochon
2013-09-28, 11:06 AM
...no flying before 10 AM.....

except for electric hey..but won't be there before 10 anyway:rolleyes:

Burning Head
2013-09-28, 12:31 PM
During the after noon

2013-09-28, 07:07 PM
What a beautiful day! Here are some pictures David...http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/09/29/neneruve.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/09/29/u5eradah.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/09/29/2u5y8yju.jpg

Kevin Rochon
2013-09-28, 10:45 PM
What a great "FunFly"....good friends....good food(thanks Michael) and good flying weather.

Hopefully we get the same weather tomorrow, if it's not asking too much:rolleyes: