View Full Version : Moving!

2013-06-25, 08:49 AM
Just to let those of you I met (and those I did not meet) that my unexplained absence from the great outdoors was due to my having to get things organized for a move to Ontario (near to the "kids") at least for a while. Things are now organized (packing a 6ft wingspan plane is not simple) and we will be moving this Thursday! I want to say a big thank you to all those who helped me get things off the ground and for their encouragement and advice...Thank you!....the last few weeks was not a total loss since I spent some time in the evenings flying my indoor "Champ" outdoors in the local parks. Went very well and very relaxing without all those walls attacking my plane all the time.
If anyone has any recommendations for a Club in the Burlington, ON area I'd welcome some more advice.
Thanks Again....

2013-06-26, 02:38 AM
Good speed Mike!