View Full Version : a home made plane from cardfoam

2013-04-29, 06:54 AM
Hello! One of the members and I were chatting about flying wings and I found a home built build on the web that is quite neat. The wing seems to be all the new rage these days with FPV planes. Anyway check it out. I am going to give this a try: This is the introduction http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_213565&feature=iv&src_vid=pz_TrYmlM2I&v=vVswF0xGuw8

Then there are other vids in the series: As soon as you go to the site listed above the other videos are on the right hand side of the video I have given you. The neat thing about this build is if you want to add a fuselage you can. and put all sorts of neat interchangeable lower sections to accommodate your fancy!!;):D