View Full Version : Quadcopters throwing and catching a stick

2013-02-23, 07:22 PM
This is both amazing and scary at the same time. What will they be able to do next?


Kevin Rochon
2013-02-23, 09:32 PM
Humm there seems to be no limit to these little beasts .

What was that smoke we saw when it catches it?

2013-02-23, 10:17 PM
Yeah I noticed the smoke...not sure?

2013-06-12, 08:34 PM
Here is another interesting video

http://www.ted.com/talks/raffaello_d_andrea_the_astounding_athletic_power_o f_quadcopters.html

Kevin Rochon
2013-06-12, 09:44 PM
Hey Dave with all your great videos you're going to make me go through my internet 15go.

2013-06-12, 10:21 PM
Very interesting and scary ! !
Thanks David

2013-06-12, 10:54 PM
incredible. I only recently learned about TED and am amazed (and more than slightly disturbed) by the demonstrations there.

2013-06-13, 03:51 AM
WOW, I am speechless

2013-06-13, 06:46 PM
Hey Dave with all your great videos you're going to make me go through my internet 15go.

You need to get an unlimited plan. I got rid of Bell completely (Internet, telephone & satellite TV). I'm now with Acanac and it is super fast and the price is great!

Glad you guys are enjoying the posts.

2013-06-13, 06:46 PM
incredible. I only recently learned about TED and am amazed (and more than slightly disturbed) by the demonstrations there.

I love TED talks!