View Full Version : new to the helli

2012-01-24, 08:19 PM
hi guys i am new to rc helli always with rc cars . i was wondering if there is any indoor place we could fly during the winter . i have a trex 450 and im not even good at hovering id like to know if there is anyone that could help me that has the know how

2012-01-25, 03:50 AM
hi guys i am new to rc helli always with rc cars . i was wondering if there is any indoor place we could fly during the winter . i have a trex 450 and im not even good at hovering id like to know if there is anyone that could help me that has the know how

For 2012 indoor flying, go check this thread http://www.wimac.ca/forum/showthread.php?p=29987#post29987

Burning Head
2012-01-25, 10:50 AM
hi guys i am new to rc helli always with rc cars . i was wondering if there is any indoor place we could fly during the winter . i have a trex 450 and im not even good at hovering id like to know if there is anyone that could help me that has the know how

Did you made the basic trim. put the heli on the ground, use a bit of power. If the rotor tail swing left side , trim right until stability. Then a bit more thrust , if the heli dive foward or backward compence with opposite trim. at this point the choppers is on the ground but ready for hovering slowly. For more help on , wait for heli expert:cool:

Tarek Hassoune
2012-01-25, 12:54 PM
U should not It trim tail on a heli by any means all tail drefting shloud be fixed mechanically any ways there is a lot of pre flight check should be done on a heli before first flight
If u need help just show at indoor flying and ask for any heli pilot to help

Burning Head
2012-01-25, 01:01 PM
I was refering to my blade MSR manual:o

2012-01-25, 05:25 PM
Go check these 2 site on RC Heli training. This is how I learned hovering. I read both and put the info together and created my own training school info, but either one is good.
BUT get yourself a simulator like RealFlight or PhoenixRC, I use both and they each have pros and cons. The trick is to practice day 1 on simulator and once you can do it without crashing you try it on the real heli (NO more NO less, do not try to be a hero and try something else), then day 2 etc.
Your second option is to become a member of the club, they have instructors that can help and connect a trainer box to your transmitter and if something goes bad they take control.
On those 2 sites there is a gold mine of information, from how to properly charge LiPo, pros and con on different type of heli etc. Just enjoy all this info.
My major Pros and Cons for the simulators I mentioned
RealFlight: You must pay for upgrades, PhoenicRC: Upgrades are free.
RealFlight: On take off the heli will go to the left as the real heli will and you must correct for it. PhoenixRC: heli will go straight up without corrections.
Yes there are ways to set up your heli mechanically and electronically for it not to have this take off tendency, but all RTF flybar heli and 99% of newbee construction will have this tendency and if you are not aware of it you will crash.
Good flying

2012-01-25, 05:31 PM
U should not It trim tail on a heli by any means all tail drefting shloud be fixed mechanically any ways there is a lot of pre flight check should be done on a heli before first flight
If u need help just show at indoor flying and ask for any heli pilot to help

I agree with Tarek. As far as Spektrum DX6i and the Blade 400 together, if, let say for the sake of argument I correct the tail trim 3 click to the left, when you turn off everyting and turn all on, the gyro will center again and you will have to trim 3 click to the left again. But on the radio you are 6 click to the left. So if you use this technique you must not forget to recenter your tail trim before you turn off the radio. So the best technique make sure your mechanical setup is propely done.

2012-01-25, 08:56 PM
Thanks for all the advice i did all the trimming but the coment that the helli wants to go left is true. Is it because i have a trex 450 and outside it is a little unstable inside is better then outside i guess i just have to prctice a lot more i have a simulator but it is older aerofly pro deluxe it feels like a game not the real feiling of the trex 450 i am also getting my hands on a 500 trex hopefully it will be more stable

2012-01-25, 10:22 PM
so if i pass by the gym to fly i need a maac number. and how much is it to become a wimac club member. also if i come to the gym do you think i could get some help for flying because i really like this hobby but i got to get better in flying . another question what do i do with my lipos if i dont play with it often since its winter thanks again :D

2012-01-25, 10:27 PM
MAAC and WIMAC fees depends on your age.

2012-01-25, 10:28 PM
i did the trim i guess its because its a 450 and im outside trying to fly it is really touchy still need more practice i have a simulator but it is a little old aerofly pro deluxe and does not fly like the trex big difference

2012-01-25, 10:30 PM
i am 31 years old

2012-01-25, 10:46 PM
Info found on the following links:


2012-01-25, 10:55 PM
thanks for the info im going to come next week and check u guys out

2012-01-25, 10:58 PM
We also fly outdoors, you can come by the field on the weekend as well.

2012-01-25, 11:07 PM
were and when thanks

2012-01-25, 11:24 PM
First off, what kind of experience have you had ?
What did you start with ?
Is this your first real heli or did you get anything smaller before ?

We need more info so we could help you better and guide you accordingly.
There is no point throwing tips and pointers your way if your current level does not allow you to understand what we mean.
Don't feel intimidated, we were all there at one point and completely clueless.

If you want to learn to fly helicopters, the first three things you will need to do is :
1- use a simulator,
2- use a simulator
3- use a simulator....;)

lol. That is unless you have money and time for repairs.

I would rather come on strong on this so it leaves an imprint on you. It takes time to go through beginner levels and the more practice you get with a simulator the easier it will be to advance.
For the beginning, if you don't want to spend money on another simulator, that's ok. Use what you have. It does not matter how it flies. All you have to practice is orientation and learn to keep the heli hovering without losing it.

Once you get comfortable at this you should be able to at least briefly hover without dramatic results...

So...start doing this and you can always meet some people at the club so you can get some info and advise up close.

To answer your question about getting help on flying, helicopters is a different breed from airplanes. It is not easy for someone to teach you to fly even you were to "buddy box". You would need to have an idea first. That is why a simulator is your best friend in learning to fly helicopters.

One thing you MUST do when you use a sim, is not to let it become a toy. Most after a while just fly around until they crash.
Just practice hovering in front of you and keeping it in one place. That's it ! See how long you can do that for !
Just use the sim 10-15 min at a time. After that it's boring and you will tend to "play" around with it instead of learning.

Good luck and have fun.

2012-01-25, 11:27 PM
were and when thanks

Same location as indoor except you go to end of the parking lt find the gate with the WIMAC signs, slide open if not locked, enter close gate behind you.
follow the road to the flying feld.

People are usually there between 11am - 16:00

2012-01-25, 11:39 PM
wow that hit hard i have a few helicopters but the trex 450 is a whole other ball game i dont know if it is because it is bigger or less stable because of flying out doors indoors i do much better but still not good enough
i have
blade 120sr
blade mcx2
align trex 450
hk 500 gt almost finished
i got the 500 from a freind that couldent do anything with it so i changed the gyro with a futaba and the tail servo its being set up at modelist on st martin because i could not get it flying good at all it is true i have a lot to learn but i am a fast learner thanks for the help

2012-01-25, 11:48 PM
Forgot one thing to mention. When flying for real, use A LOT OF EXPO .Add expo to the point it feels mushy, and back up a bit.

It helps a lot. It will stabilize the heli a lot more to your inputs.

A 450 is a lot different than the other small ones you had. It has a lot of power for its size. It can do anything the big ones do, but it's a lot harder since it moves so much faster. Don't forget, the bigger it is, the easier it is. More stable and all.

Take care.

2012-01-25, 11:51 PM
i have the aerofly pro deluxe sim and i feel like it does not fly like the trex what sim can i get that i dont need a 1000$ computer to run it so i could get the feeling of flying the helli because this sim feels like a game not the same corections from the sim to the trex at all

2012-01-26, 12:01 AM
another question i might have a lot of those for a while i hope i am not anoying i really do apreciate all the help you all offer its nice to have advice from hobbiest like me
what do i do with my lipos if im not flying much since its winter do i leave it fully charged or only 40 %

and i guess your saying the 500 will be easier to fly then the 450 trex

2012-01-26, 02:56 AM
i have the aerofly pro deluxe sim and i feel like it does not fly like the trex what sim can i get that i dont need a 1000$ computer to run it so i could get the feeling of flying the helli because this sim feels like a game not the same corections from the sim to the trex at all

If you want, we can set a meet, I have RealFlight 5.5 and PhoenixRC 3.0 set up on my laptop, you can give it a try, I am in Lachine we can meet somewhere where they have a wall plug a Tim or McDo (battery is only good for about 30 min.) During the week early afternoon or weekend, but never before lunch.

2012-01-26, 08:20 AM
I know there are many opinions and at the end of the day most sims are good and do the job but the best to get IMO and others I know, is the phoenix sim.

Real flight generally requires for effort from the pc, and you need all kinds of upgrades to get models.
Phoenix gives you all the updates for free and has all the latest stuff.

I personally like the software and graphics better.

2012-01-26, 02:48 PM
I agree Phoenix is the way to go.

2012-01-26, 07:21 PM
+1 for Phoenix:)

2012-01-26, 08:29 PM
hi guys thanks a lot for all the help its nice to have answers thanks also to midnight helli for the invite to try the sims but i went out and bought one today i got the pheonix sim it is a lot better then the aerofly still seems a little easier then the real thing but i guess its the stress of crashing . i would like to know lipos do i have to do anything special to keep then maintaned thanks again

2012-01-26, 08:37 PM
hi for the lipo i like 2 do shorter fly so that my batteries when i come down the cell are at 3.7 (storage charge) so i dont stress them and dont have to do a storage charge (i charge before i go fly or the night before)

but respect the 20% rule and you should be ok
look at this site for batteries and charger info

2012-01-26, 08:46 PM
thanks for the batterie info so how bout if its winter and i dont fly much i should leave at 40%

2012-01-26, 10:36 PM
i am going to take back the coment that it is easier because it is not kids went to bed now had a little time on it and it is not easy it is very different from the aerofly this is so much more realistic it is like i am flying my helli u guys r wright i do need a lot of practice on the sim this hobby is a lot more complicated then rc cars i have been in them for ten years and i always looked at the hellis i finally bought one and it is preety crazy i am going to love this hobby once i get the hang of it with out crashing thanks again