2007-09-21, 10:54 AM
The St Lawrence zone of the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada (http://www.maac.ca/) (MAAC), which is the official governing body for model aviation in Canada, is pleased to announce that it will be hosting, for a second year in a row, its Annual Zone Meeting (AZM) on Saturday, October 27, 2007 at the Ecole des metiers de l'aerospatiale de Montreal.
This will be a fun filled, full day event. We encourage you to invite family, friends, youth and all ages!!
Morning events: 9:30 -12:30 open to the public:
Static Display: Bring Your Models ; Popularity Voting Contest with Prizes
Dynamic Demo of Electric Planes; Virtual Flight
Swap meet
Silent Auction ;Charity Raffle
Facility Tour
Pictures and Videos of your club's events
Door Prizes including a 4 1/2" Carbon Fiber spinner, MSC 22x10 wooden prop, gift certificates from Great Hobbies (http://www.greathobbies.com/) and CRC Products, Inc., Smoke oil, and more.
Noon Hour: Lunch available at Cafeteria
Afternoon: 1:30-3:30 PM Annual Zone Meeting: Restricted to MAAC Members
Again this year, we will be giving a donation to the Montreal Childrens Hospital. Last year's contribution went to Hopital Sainte-Justine. What we want to do is go back and forth, so every second year one of the Childrens hospital, will get a cheque.
This will be a fun filled, full day event. We encourage you to invite family, friends, youth and all ages!!
Morning events: 9:30 -12:30 open to the public:
Static Display: Bring Your Models ; Popularity Voting Contest with Prizes
Dynamic Demo of Electric Planes; Virtual Flight
Swap meet
Silent Auction ;Charity Raffle
Facility Tour
Pictures and Videos of your club's events
Door Prizes including a 4 1/2" Carbon Fiber spinner, MSC 22x10 wooden prop, gift certificates from Great Hobbies (http://www.greathobbies.com/) and CRC Products, Inc., Smoke oil, and more.
Noon Hour: Lunch available at Cafeteria
Afternoon: 1:30-3:30 PM Annual Zone Meeting: Restricted to MAAC Members
Again this year, we will be giving a donation to the Montreal Childrens Hospital. Last year's contribution went to Hopital Sainte-Justine. What we want to do is go back and forth, so every second year one of the Childrens hospital, will get a cheque.