View Full Version : GReetings from East Africa

2011-11-27, 01:46 PM
Hi Everybody.
I just wanted to give you a life sign from the other side of the globe, the dark continent. Well we arrived here end of August and started to settle in. It took us a wheile to find a house that was affordable, real estate has gone completly crazy in Nairobi, but we finaly found a place to stay. My wife also settled well in her Job, just the comute is such a drag with the crazy traffic congestion. My daughter Tara is going to the German School Kindergarten, the same place I went to, it was a wiered feeling to walk with her there on her first day of Kindergarten. All the memories poped up and I recognised so many things from my childhood. I am planing to open my small workshop here and finaly after 3 months our Kontainer arrived from KAnada, the last four days we have been unpacking all our belongings and sorting everything, but we still have alot to do. Otherwise I bought a car and a trialer for my new bike. THe weekends are mostly booked riding in the bush on singletrials or no trials at all lol. I also competet in a big FIM Offroad event for the first time and survived, its all about fitness and I am still working on that. I miss Wimac and the hobby, sometimes more sometimes less, I realised it always gave me a boost espacialy in difficult times, when I went out to fly my helis it always gave me back that positive spirit. I hope you are all fine and that you enjoy your great club. Take care and if I should visit I will surely come by. Take care. Pete

2011-11-27, 02:46 PM
Great to have good news from you, Peter, and I can see you are already kicking dust there as you used to do when crashing your helis!:D;):)

2011-11-27, 02:55 PM
Yeah similar now same or more adrenalin, fitness loads of fun with the diffrence if you crash here you feel it not only in your wallet :o
I already cracked my ribs during competition and its been nearly 5 weeks now and I cannot sleep on my right side. But hey no brain no pain lol. Regards Pete

Burning Head
2011-11-27, 03:00 PM
Cool, nice pic peter. For a fast get a way, nothing like a motocross:D

2011-11-27, 04:40 PM
Glad to see you are doing well Pete.
And yes keep that fitness up cause when the years creep up, your joints remind you of it.

Nice talking to you too, I missed the bickering ;):D:p

Kevin Rochon
2011-11-27, 08:54 PM
Looks like you're enjoying yourself in that spectacular scenery, wish you and your family all the best and good luck with your shop project.

2011-11-28, 05:33 AM
Nice to hear from you Pete. Glad you have settled back into Kenya OK. All the best, Mick

2011-11-28, 01:06 PM
Nice to know everything is doing great Pete!!!!
come back to visit soon!

take care!