View Full Version : hello guys

2011-10-14, 04:12 PM
did any one already dealed with generalhobby ?? i try to reach them by mail or by calling , no answer , i did 1 order and i try to make a follow ,nothing happen ,

2011-10-14, 06:37 PM
You might want to look at this

Burning Head
2011-10-14, 06:45 PM
I have no probleme with General hobby but with hobbylobby, pc are very strange some time Gilbert, Wy are you looking for a new gasser, because I will probably sale one at a ridicule price. My Stearman 1.20 with a DLE 30cc and Pitt's mufflers a kill switch and a smoke pump all servo are in and two battery and in extra one Xoar wood blade 16/8 and two 17/8. all that for $500 (prix ferme) and plus a fluid smoke tank and his juice.... You cant ask for more for this price:)

Burning Head
2011-10-14, 09:26 PM
Alright... I have in good condition a Yak 68"WS from General hobby with a CRRC 26cc for $220 nego. MG servo, K switch and battery are onbord.

2011-10-15, 03:42 AM
Hey richard, could u post pictures of both planes? It sounds interesting
What is the stearman manufacturer?
Is the Dle 30 v1 or v2? What carburator?


Burning Head
2011-10-15, 09:13 AM
The Stearman is in good condition and the motors have be well break http://www.greathobbies.com/productinfo/?prod_id=GPMA1349 and the motor is the 30ccDLEv2 with ignition box http://www.greathobbies.com/productinfo/?prod_id=DLEDL30V2 Pit's mufflers http://www.bissonmufflers.com/en/muffler.html?mufflers::listing_id=1138708 Wy a so low price,I just need more space in my 3.1/2:)

2011-10-15, 10:07 AM
Richard, I might be interrested in your Yak, you know my style. I just never flew a gas plane before and I don't know what else I need to make it fly.

If you can help me it would be great.

Burning Head
2011-10-15, 11:01 AM
Richard, I might be interrested in your Yak, you know my style. I just never flew a gas plane before and I don't know what else I need to make it fly.

If you can help me it would be great.

J'ai inscrit $220 nego parceque pour ètre honnète avec toi Éric cétais mon deuxième moteur a gas et:o je l'ai poussé un peu trop... le model est en bonne condition. Le moteur tourne bien mais il perd un peu d'huile. Pour le kit de départ il ne te manquerait qu'une tank et sa pompe manuel et un starter heavy duty:cool: J'ai quelques hélice de bois 15/8 en extra. Breff si tu veux voler dans "la court des grand" c'est un début a petit buget:)

2011-10-16, 02:55 PM
Very tempted for the stearman..... I am looking forwards to get a gasser.... however, I don't like the assembling/dessambling of the biplane..... :(
what smoke pump and servos do you have in?

Burning Head
2011-10-16, 04:48 PM
The servo set up are Futaba 3010 BB hi-torq and the smoke systheme work very good but I can read the name on... By the way the planes was build by David J:) This plane land so soft because of his wing area. The motor is in wery good shape too because Bi-plane lift his self at 60% and keep his alt. I dont sale this bip by plaisir:no:, but I need space. The only sade thing with bi-planes is to deal with a 10mim preparation ( two nylon wing bolt and 8 others) before and after a full day's of fun :cool:but I understand then during winter it is not easy:)

Burning Head
2011-10-16, 05:11 PM
I forget to mention The http://www.thunderboltrc.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=89_104&products_id=795 and the allu spiners http://www.thunderboltrc.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=92&products_id=1014 came with the deal. I cant say nothing more about this 3 season bip:)

Burning Head
2011-10-16, 05:31 PM
Last extra, a Xoar bumper sticker:D. seriously Luis, if you want to ear the motor before and that's normal, plan a date and time:)

2011-10-17, 01:03 PM
Richard, I sent you a PM.


Burning Head
2011-10-17, 01:15 PM
Je n'ai rien reçu Alex:), mais si le deal te vas ou si tu veux entendre le moteur avant, ce qui est tres normal. Fixe moi une date et une heure "24h avant" . Le temp que je recharge les batteries (514-696-2039)

2011-10-17, 01:21 PM
Richard, it won't be necessary to hear the engine, I'll take your word for it. Consider this plane sold!

Here is my e-mail address alex34mtl@yahoo.ca (Since PM doesn't seem to work). Let me know when you are available.


Burning Head
2011-10-17, 01:36 PM
I send you a Email

2011-10-17, 02:05 PM
Is the biplane sold?

Burning Head
2011-10-17, 03:29 PM
:oYes sniff,my precious is gone. But you will see him around late fall or next spring. Alex is a new members at the club. but he have all the aptitude and experiance to be a futur good pilot:)

2011-10-17, 03:50 PM
Awesome plane!! Thanks Richard!

2011-10-17, 04:56 PM
Congrats, great purchase!
So, what new toys are you gonna get Richard? You have a $ 500 to spend and it is almost christmas!

Burning Head
2011-10-17, 06:27 PM
Easy come easy go. No more planes in view for now, because I still have to many for my small apt. I want to keep only one gasser and two electric. And for the peso, I think I should play safe and put back on my Credit cards :eek:

Burning Head
2011-10-17, 08:33 PM
did any one already dealed with generalhobby ?? i try to reach them by mail or by calling , no answer , i did 1 order and i try to make a follow ,nothing happen ,

By the way I am sorry Gilbert for the highjacking your thread:oI hope you have find a clue on General hobby website:)

Burning Head
2011-10-17, 11:55 PM
Just to reassure the "big boy's scool yard":cool: I did not only sale this planes to Alex with no explication on starting step or warning. As I say before, he have experiance with EP and nitro. So, alway's remember the size of the prop when you start the motor and to hocking the planes by the wing set on regular start or on bench, never by the elevateur structure;). And call me if you have some Q or to be there for a futur maiden at the clubs:)