View Full Version : MAAC President

2011-03-15, 10:15 AM
I read in the MAAC magazine (just arrived) that Richard Barlow will not stand for reelection.
In my opinion he was one of the best prez MAAC had.
MAAC improved substantially during his mandate; it ceased to be a parochial group and became an active representative of our hobby.
I remember the internecine wars of some years back.
Thanks Richard!

2011-03-15, 12:12 PM
Amen to that. The interminable wars between MAAC factions, some of whom felt tha organization's main purpose was to support competitive flying and others who only wanted MAAC to be an insurance provider, dragged the whole hobby into the mire for years. Congratulations and thank you to Mr Barlow and his executive team for letting MAAC handle many responsibilities with minimal rancour over the last few years.

Dwight Macdonald
2011-03-16, 02:12 AM
Well said guys! I am very grateful to Mr Barlow for his energy and dedication toward the support of our hobby. What a great MAAC president!!