View Full Version : Zone activity

Ronald Longtin
2010-12-12, 06:33 PM
Vendredi 14 janvier

Tous personnes qui a l’intention de se présenter a cette réunion, samedi le 15 janvier ; svp confirmer a Steve Woloz immédiatement.

All persons who will attend this upcoming meeting, Sat Jan 15/11 plse confirm immediately to Steve Woloz

Session Technique :

MAAC: St Laurent Zone
Rappel re Tech Session : Samedi, 15 Janvier, 2011
10 :30 00-14 :30
Location : Canadian Aviation Heritage Centre: Mc College Campus St Anne De Belleview

1. Finition votre modèle: Par : Paul Burrage
2. Programmation de votre Flight Simulator: Par Serge Leroux
3. Électronique: partie 2: Par Eric Girard

MAAC : Zone St Laurent
Reminder Notice re Tech Session : Saturday, January 15, 2011

10:30 AM to 2:30 P.M.

Location: Canadian Aviation Heritage Centre: Mc College Campus St Anne De Belleview


1. Finishing Your Model: By Paul Burrage

2. Programming Your Flight Simulator : By Serge Leroue

3. Electronics : part 2 : By Eric Girard

Steve Woloz

MAAC St-Laurent Zone Director

Burning Head
2010-12-17, 06:38 PM
Merci Ronald for the info:)

Ron Willoughby
2011-01-14, 06:57 PM
I'am looking forward to the Saturday technical sesssion a The Aviation Heritage Centre, Mc Colledge and plan to be there all day. :)

2011-01-15, 11:52 AM
do you have to be a member to assiste?

bob forest
2011-01-15, 04:44 PM
No, but the meeting is now over. turn out of about 15, a few WIMAC members. It was a really good meeting, learnt alot.