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Tarek Hassoune
2010-10-01, 08:17 PM
Hey Heli guys u will like this first rc heli
YouTube - Worlds First RC Helicopter from 1941 also Crazy Accident!!

2010-10-01, 09:38 PM
This man here Dieter Schlüter was the real pioneer of the Rc helicopter he put the Flybar on the helis and the Bell Hiller system on the Rc helis, he also holds the world record for the first and longest Rc heli flight. He also invented and patented the clutch like we know it today for our helis and in Rc Cars.
Unfortunatly in German but it schows some footage of his pioneering work. Great to watch.
Reagrds Pete

2010-10-01, 09:43 PM
Here a quote and the book he wrote:
As helicopters are such complex physical objects, it has been a dream for many years to remotly control one of them. Dieter Schlüter, a German engineer has then made the impossible possible in 1970. He is giving an excellent introduction to the world of (remote controlled) helicopters in his book:

HUBSCHRAUBER ferngesteuert [ISBN 3 7883 3126 7]

The theory in the book is applicable for both, real size helicopters as well as their smaller brothers, remote controlled model helicopters. The book is quiet old, but because of its high quality it has been published for the 13th time in 2004. All photos are in black and white and the fashion style of the people in the book looks rather funny. But the theory of why helicopters fly although they are instable systems and for what reason a helicopter can crash is still the same as 30 years ago.

Tarek Hassoune
2010-10-01, 10:22 PM
I like the training stick it like fishing helis

2010-10-01, 10:32 PM
Yes looks funny but he started it and scratchbuild everything. He flew with no Gyro.

Kevin Rochon
2010-10-01, 10:35 PM
Interesting, I guess the guy holding the chopper by the rope and stick is the first version of gyro:D

Did they have proportional radios in 1968?


2010-10-01, 10:42 PM
No Idea Kevin but good point.

Kevin Rochon
2010-10-01, 10:47 PM
Bob Forest could answer that.

hello Bob where are you?


bob forest
2010-10-02, 12:11 AM
Yes they did, as early as 62. Bonner was the first to really market it.

bob forest
2010-10-02, 12:20 AM
That is a Multiplex radio they are using. Andrew has one. The were one of the first in Europe. Very good radio.

Andrew Fernie
2010-10-06, 07:39 PM
If anyone wants to go over the theory of helicopter models (including the Bell Hiller rotor) I have a book (in english) "Radio Control Helicopter Models" by J.Drake from 1977. He goes through all the math, and ends up building his own heli from scratch. He even gives parts drawings and example of suitable lathes to purchase so that you can machine your own parts! The control rotor section references the "Mr.Young" from Bell that is in the title section of the video at the top of this thread.

His initial test models (presumably a good few years earlier than 1977) used a hollow main shaft so that he could run a piece of music wire up the middle of the shaft to constrain the model. That model allowed him to ensure that he had a reasonable degree of stability, suitable tail rotor authority, etc. Once the basic design parameters were determined he moved on to the full flying model.

Not exactly light reading, but particularly if you have an interest in the aerodynamic and stability control aspects of helis it is worthwhile working through the book.