bob forest
2007-04-18, 05:58 PM
As some of you are aware, the above Dates Aerosalon will be holding an event that will be binging over 20 thousand spectators. Some of the people and companies involved are
Woloz Steve A?romod?listes
Cl?ment Jason Agence spatiale canadienne
Mitcul Vlad AQA
Desmarais Marc Architecte d??v?nements
Montpetit H?l?ne Bell Helicopter
Bailey Nancy Bombardier A?ronautique
Duchesne Marc Bombardier A?ronautique
Barabey Pierre Cadets de l?air
Brillant L.P. Capt. Cadets de l?air
Parent Mich?le Centre nationale de recherche du
Mathieu Paul Centre qu?b?cois de formation a?ronautique
Marsy Sylvia CMC ?lectronique
Charlebois Carole Conseil de d?veloppement du loisir
Scientifique de Montr?al
S?vigny Yves Cosmod?me
Fortin Audrey ?cole de technologie sup?rieure
T?treault R?jean ?cole de technologie sup?rieure
Pilon Yves ?MAM (?cole des m?tiers de
l?a?rospatiale de Montr?al)
Chaurest Marie-Claire ?NA (?cole nationale d?a?rotechnique)
Hamel Yan Ekorce
Leclerc-Dion Marie-?ve Ekorce
Boisseau Pierre Emploi-Qu?bec
Gervais Louise Emploi-Qu?bec Mont?r?gie
Desch?nes Marilyn Folie Technique
Sama S?bastien Folie technique
Thibault Daniel Forces arm?es
Prieur Ginette MDA Corporation
Abikhzer Corinne Pratt & Whitney Canada
Laberge Annick Pratt & Whitney Canada
Labb? Lise P. Rassemblement d?avions antiques
Beauvilli?res Josiane Ville de Longueuil
Edstr?m Eric CAMAQ
Garneau Claire CAMAQ
Legault Mary-Louise CAMAQ
Tremblay G?rald CAMAQ
Tremblay Serge CAMAQ
We of MAAC are looking for MAAC members to help us assist in explaining the hobby to the public. There will be many young people at this event, as they are expecting over 100 school buses alone. It will be held at the St. Hubet Airport. MAAC has a tent that will be 20 by 30 feet.
We will have tables set up with we hope models of all types, U Contol, Radio control planes and helis. We would like to have a staff to watch over the models and explain to the public about the hobby. We hope to have a simulator so that they can try flying. Also we will have 3 demos of one half hour each during the day. We have already the flyers for this, from scale to IMAC to Jets. We had to make sure that we get the best flyers that are use to flying in front of a large crowd, and I can personnaly tell you I am not one of them.
So if any of you would be interested, Like fo example Stephane with his winter project that shows what work goes into building a scale plane. But we want also finished models.
So if you are interested, please email me at Complementary meals will be given to the modelers involved. Also there is Trailer space for those that want to stay overnight. There will be security fo the planes, as they will be staying on location for those that wish that . Thursday is set up day, and it will go on Friday, Sat, and Sunday.
Bob Forest
MAAC 4131-L
Woloz Steve A?romod?listes
Cl?ment Jason Agence spatiale canadienne
Mitcul Vlad AQA
Desmarais Marc Architecte d??v?nements
Montpetit H?l?ne Bell Helicopter
Bailey Nancy Bombardier A?ronautique
Duchesne Marc Bombardier A?ronautique
Barabey Pierre Cadets de l?air
Brillant L.P. Capt. Cadets de l?air
Parent Mich?le Centre nationale de recherche du
Mathieu Paul Centre qu?b?cois de formation a?ronautique
Marsy Sylvia CMC ?lectronique
Charlebois Carole Conseil de d?veloppement du loisir
Scientifique de Montr?al
S?vigny Yves Cosmod?me
Fortin Audrey ?cole de technologie sup?rieure
T?treault R?jean ?cole de technologie sup?rieure
Pilon Yves ?MAM (?cole des m?tiers de
l?a?rospatiale de Montr?al)
Chaurest Marie-Claire ?NA (?cole nationale d?a?rotechnique)
Hamel Yan Ekorce
Leclerc-Dion Marie-?ve Ekorce
Boisseau Pierre Emploi-Qu?bec
Gervais Louise Emploi-Qu?bec Mont?r?gie
Desch?nes Marilyn Folie Technique
Sama S?bastien Folie technique
Thibault Daniel Forces arm?es
Prieur Ginette MDA Corporation
Abikhzer Corinne Pratt & Whitney Canada
Laberge Annick Pratt & Whitney Canada
Labb? Lise P. Rassemblement d?avions antiques
Beauvilli?res Josiane Ville de Longueuil
Edstr?m Eric CAMAQ
Garneau Claire CAMAQ
Legault Mary-Louise CAMAQ
Tremblay G?rald CAMAQ
Tremblay Serge CAMAQ
We of MAAC are looking for MAAC members to help us assist in explaining the hobby to the public. There will be many young people at this event, as they are expecting over 100 school buses alone. It will be held at the St. Hubet Airport. MAAC has a tent that will be 20 by 30 feet.
We will have tables set up with we hope models of all types, U Contol, Radio control planes and helis. We would like to have a staff to watch over the models and explain to the public about the hobby. We hope to have a simulator so that they can try flying. Also we will have 3 demos of one half hour each during the day. We have already the flyers for this, from scale to IMAC to Jets. We had to make sure that we get the best flyers that are use to flying in front of a large crowd, and I can personnaly tell you I am not one of them.
So if any of you would be interested, Like fo example Stephane with his winter project that shows what work goes into building a scale plane. But we want also finished models.
So if you are interested, please email me at Complementary meals will be given to the modelers involved. Also there is Trailer space for those that want to stay overnight. There will be security fo the planes, as they will be staying on location for those that wish that . Thursday is set up day, and it will go on Friday, Sat, and Sunday.
Bob Forest
MAAC 4131-L