View Full Version : Denis

2009-04-10, 05:37 PM
Hey, I was going through the May issue of RC Heli and I saw a tip that they
published from Denis Cloutier!
The tip was using a Vernier to check lipos for swelling while charging.
Way to go Denis!

Burning Head
2009-04-10, 06:23 PM
:D:D:D La technique du vernier...? il faut que tu le post sur le site Denis:cool:

Denis Cloutier
2009-04-11, 02:08 AM
Here is the link of the magazine website.:D


Burning Head
2009-04-11, 09:36 AM
Là je comprend l'utilité du vernier, mais lors de charge,une lipo prend toujours de l'expention. Mais visible qu'avec un vernier. bonne idée:cool: