View Full Version : I kick cops ass!

Michael V
2009-01-08, 10:26 PM
I got a ticket a year ago for cutting through a Wendy's parking to avoid a light. But really did want to go to the Wendys and get a burger, but I had forgotten my wallet at work so I left. And the cop gave me a ticket.
Well I went to court tonight and argued my case and I won!!
There are a few details I am leaving out because I don't want to type a long report here.
But I tell ya, I am feeling pretty good right now :)

Chris Bowes
2009-01-08, 10:39 PM
Stick it to 'em Mike ;)

2009-01-08, 11:16 PM
Musta been the Wendy's on Sources with the Tim Hortons...

You would think they should be damn well out patrolling highway 20 and 40 speeders doing 140 but no, wasting away in front of Tim Hortons doing jack...

2009-01-08, 11:44 PM
NICE! :D What the hell was he doing there anyway ??Is there nothing more important to do than wast time on sh.. like seeing who cuts through Wendys??? :mad: MOrons!

regards Pete

2009-01-09, 06:31 AM
Great that you did kick their A_ s in court...

Montreal as made 135 millions in tickets over us in 2008.
For my part, their a bunch of kids that hold a gun,, pas fort!

2009-01-09, 01:26 PM
Good for you. Cops need to spend more time correcting real issues. I have one question though. How did you give him your license and other papers if you didn't have your wallet? Couldn't he have given you a ticket for not having these papers?

Michael V
2009-01-09, 01:51 PM
I don't know why he didn't.
But he wrote in his report that I did not have and this gave credit to my story that because I didn't have it I could get anything from the drive through.
The part that I believe really got the judge was the cops also wrote in the report that when they spoke with me in the Wendy's parking lot. (You see I drove around the build and as I came the exit they were sitting there waiting, and they stopped me and we talked) They told me that it was a $150 ticket for cutting through a private prop to avoid a red light.
THEY WROTE THAT AFTER THEY TOLD ME THIS "I LAUGHED AT THEM AND DROVE OFF." I told the judge I would never have done that, look at my hand it is shaking standing here in front of you, you think I have the gall to say that to two police officers telling me that if I leave I am going to get a ticket.