View Full Version : Quebec Clubs need you help CPTAQ
bob forest
2008-12-19, 12:34 PM
Ok guys, go to RC Canada
and clic on Quebec Clubs need your help CPTAQ
It is already at 4 pages, even some from the US. We are on an email sending to Jean Charest. We are gong to bombard them with thouisands of emails. By reading you will see why. So far all 4 clubs have lost, and the CPTAQ wanted even to go to Superior court, they are ready to spend thousands of dollars to stop us from flying. WIMAC is lucky it is commercial land, but one day you will be looking for land, and this is where this comes in. We have to fight now.
bob forest
2008-12-19, 12:47 PM
À tous les récipients de ce courriel, Lacolle Qc. Le 19 Décembre 2008
Nous vous demandons votre collaboration afin de soutenir nos démarches auprès du Premier Ministre et des ministres pouvant aider notre cause.
Comme vous le savez, notre club sera évincé du terrain prêté par un agriculteur et ce, par la Commission de la Protection du Territoire Agricole du Québec (CPTAQ) puisque nous utilisons une parcelle de terre agricole.
Nous avons fait plusieurs interventions auprès de ladite Commission et au Tribunal d’Appel du Québec afin d’obtenir une autorisation d’utiliser ce terrain à des fins autres que l’agriculture. Ce qui a été rejeté par ceux-ci.
Quatre autres clubs (Club Bross’Air, Club d’Alma, Club Lafayette et Club de St-Thimothé) subiront le même sort que notre Club. Nous croyons que d’autres clubs seront visés par la Commission de la Protection du Territoire Agricole du Québec dans un avenir rapproché.
Nous voulons sensibiliser le Premier Ministre et certains Ministres du problème créé par la CPTAQ et qui empêchera les membres de ces cinq clubs de profiter de ce hobby de plein air. Ce hobby est devenu au cours des années une activité familiale.
Pour ces raisons, nous avons besoin de votre collaboration en transmettant une lettre ou un courriel écrit dans vos propres mots au Premier Ministre et aux Ministres ayant un ministère touchant ce hobby pratiqué par les hommes et femmes de tous âges.
Plus les membres de tous les clubs transmettent par courriel une lettre à ces gens-là, il y aura plus de chances que le Premier Ministre et ses ministres porteront peut-être une attention particulière à nos demandes que seulement les membres d’un seul club. Ceci leur prouvera la solidarité qu’il existe entre nos clubs.
Pour écrire au Premier Ministre, Jean Charest 2 manières de le contacter (par émail ou par la poste)
Par émail utilisez ce lien.
Par la poste : Monsieur Jean Charest, Premier Ministre
Édifice Honoré-Mercier, 3e étage
835, boulevard René-Lévesque Est
Québec (Québec) G1A 1B4
Voici les adresses E-mail des quatre Ministres concernés :
Madame Nathalie Normandeau, Vice Premier Ministre :
Madame Michelle Courchesne : Ministre de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport :
Madame Marguerite Blais : Ministre responsable des Aînés :
Monsieur Tony Tomassi: Ministre pour la famille:
Transmettez ce courriel à tous vos contacts, amis (es), collègues de travail, famille afin que ceux-ci appuient notre démarche auprès du gouvernement.
Dans votre message transmis aux ministres, veuillez mentionner de communiquer avec :
M. Jean Chevalier, président du Club Modéliste Montérégie Napierville, Qc. 450.246.4543
Monsieur Steve Woloz, Directeur de la zone St-Laurent : 514.944.8241
Monsieur Paul Burrage : assistant-directeur de la zone St-:Laurent : 514.646.0536
Nous vous remercions à l’avance de votre collaboration.
bob forest
2008-12-19, 12:50 PM
Prime Minister Charest, Minister of Family & Ederly, Minister of Sports and Leisure
I am writing to all of you asking that you reverse the new law that suspends the flying of radio control airplanes on agricultural land. This hobby has been enjoy for many years, has put money into the economy, has given families with children, senior citizens and friends to enjoy a hobby that is as old as time.
These people by flying their radio control airplanes not only gives them pleasure, but keeps them active, so that they can live longer with their families, gives their children an opportunity not only to fly, but to build one of these airplanes, which gives them a positive outlook on life, instead of committing a crime. In simple terms, it helps them to utilize their brains for something good, instead of hanging out with unruly children and getting into trouble. None of these airplanes that fly on the agricultural land has damaged any flying field soil, crops, etc. By taking this sport/hobby away, you are depriving adults, children and their friends from enjoy a great sport.
How much land do they really use for flying. Actually a very small amount, which does not hinder agriculture!!! So far, your government and ministers have shut down 5 flying clubs out of 27. How much land is not being set aside for agricultural purposes. It is these flyers, their families, that make up the city of Quebec. Why not help them, support them and there efforts, showing you care about your people!! The little bit of land that is lost is insignificant, and especially when it snows, they fly their airplanes with skis on them, as the agricultural ground is frozen tundra and not producing anything.
As a fellow RC flyer in the states, our flying association helps the people find and build fields, so that all can enjoy a great hobby. I am asking that you all reconsider the current law and reverse it, so that your people living in Quebec can enjoy there hobby, which is helping the community. Go out and watch these pilots fly, ask questions, and you will be amazed at what goes into building an airplane from just plans, and then see the finished product leave the ground. Show some interest in what these people do by helping them retain there flying fields and to enjoy there lives.
I would like a reply if any of you would do so. Mr President, would you please have your secretary forward a copy to the others that I have listed in the salutation.
Curt R. Beyer
Retired USAF
Currently working on the Space Shuttle
bob forest
2008-12-19, 12:52 PM
To each recipient of this E-mail Lacolle Qc. December 17, 2008
We are asking you your collaboration and your help in our trial to contact and reach the Prime Minister Jean Charest and some other Ministers of the Quebec Government. This is in a spirit and as a last chance to win our cause.
As you know, our Club has lost our flying field due to the CPTAQ action. This is because we are using this field for other purposes then agri-culture. The responsible of this "unfair" action is the CPTAQ (Commission de la Protection des Territoires Agricoles du Québec).
We all did so far some actions with the CPTAQ and Club Lafayette of Marieville QC went to the Tribunal d'Appel du Québec (TAQ) to win their rights to use farm fields for their activities without any success and finally lost their trial and almost gave up with this approach.
Four other clubs (Club Bross'Air, Club d'Alma, Club Lafayette et Club de St-Thimothé) are under the target of the CPTAQ and could eventually lose. We presume that the CPTAQ will eventually force all other clubs to do so.
We need to increase public awareness to this, and most of all we need to inform our Prime Minister and some other Ministers about this situation. This hobby is not only well known as a family and friendship activity practiced by persons of every age, but also, it is a very good way of promoting for the aeronautic industries and their lack of qualified employees as we are like a farm them for them for their future employees
For those reasons, we need your help to reach our Ministers by sending these E-mails or letters written in your own words to inform them of our concerns. We need E-mails or letters to be sent from as many inviduals and not only modelers. So we ask everyone, of every club, or from all persons they know (family, friends, known contacts and so on…), from Québec, and all other provinces of Canada and even modelers of USA to send an E-mail or a letter to our Prime Minister, and to the other Ministers involved who’s e-mail addresses are mentioned below. When they will get so many of these on their desks or in their mail, maybe they will finally allow us an interview so that we can explain our case. We think they have to know at least how much strongly together we are between modelers.
To write to the Prime Minister, use this link and we are suggesting 2 ways to contact him by mail or by email and fell free to use both if you wish. (An English version is also available if you punch English a the top)
By mail : Mr. Jean Charest, Premier Ministre
Édifice Honoré-Mercier, 3e étage
835, boulevard René-Lévesque Est
Québec (Québec) G1A 1B4
Here are the addresses of three four ministers which MUST also be contacted:
Madame Nathalie Normandeau, Vice Prime Minister:
Madame Michelle Courchesne: Educational, sport and family Minister:
Madame Marguerite Blais: Eldest/Major Ministers:
Monsieur Tony Tomassi: Minister for the Family:
In your mail to ours ministers, please provide those contact information:
M. Jean Chevalier, président for Club Modéliste Montérégie Napierville: 450-246-4543
M. Steve Wolox, MAAC Director for St-Lawrence Zone: 514-944-8241
M. Paul Burrage, MAAC Assistant Director for St-Lawrence Zone: 514-646-0536
Then finally, please forward this email to as many persons as you can AND do write a letter to our ministers, we need your help.
Thanks to all, Diane Montmarquette Chevalier
Club Modeliste Monteregie
Here is my letter:
Dear Mr. Jean Charest,
I am writing to you on behalf of other like-minded hobbyists who are active participants of flying Remote Control (R/C) model aircraft in Quebec.
In the past few years, a Quebec government office, namely the CPTAQ, has been actively attacking the livelyhood of R/C Clubs in the Quebec region by bringing them (or the owners of the land) to court in order to force them to stop using the airspace over farming field for flying model airplanes and helicopters.
So far, at least five (5) clubs are in jeopardy or have already ceased operating due to court hearings. Many of these clubs have been in existence for more than a decade, in fact one in particular, Brossair ( has been on the same plot of land with the permission of the property owners for close to 18 years.
These R/C clubs act as responsible citizens, guardians of the property they have been allocated, ensuring vandalism is kept in check, providing a safe and enjoyable environment for hundreds of citizens from young (supervised) to old (retired). These R/C clubs are sanctioned under Model Aeronautics Association of Canada (MAAC -, where by they are required by MAAC to operate a safe environment, follow a strict set of guidelines for their field layout, operation of their model aircraft under strict procedures to minimize the risk of injury to persons and property. MAAC provides access to an Insurer for coverage in the event of injury or property damage provided the R/C clubs are sanctioned by MAAC.
By CPTAQ forcing the closure of the R/C clubs in Quebec, the evicted hobbyists will be forced to fly their model aircraft in non-MAAC sanctioned areas of the province, potentially in places where it may be very risky to persons or property such as a public park. Being a responsible citizens such as myself, this makes me very concerned that someone may be seriously hurt because a red-tape government agency like CPTAQ could not see through their blindness to the little itsy bit of land that R/C clubs are utilizing in Quebec...
R/C clubs benefit other industries and commercial establishments:
* Aerospace and Aeronautics engineering companies such as Bombardier, Bell Helicoptor, Pratt and Whitney. and Rolls Royce. There are many hobbyists who are have gone to be successful at these companies.
* Support of local (Montreal) Hobby stores (Distribution aux Modeliste, Hobbieville, Ted's Hobbyshop)
* Encourage youths to become interested in robotics, electronics, mechanical engineering.
Please take this letter to heart and consider the good citizens we the hobbyists of Quebec try to promote and ask the CPTAQ to reconsider the injustice acts they are waging on our R/C clubs...
The correct URL to reach the Premier's office is:
Chris Bowes
2008-12-20, 12:04 AM
Well put Greg.
In doing some quick web searching I came across a presentation from the ministry of Quebec agriculture, fisheries and food on Quebec's agricultural resources. This quoted the total amount of agricultural land in Quebec in 2001 to be approximately 1.85 million hectares, equivalent to 18500 square kilometers. If the total amount of land used by R/C clubs is about 350 acres as mentioned on RCCanada then this accounts for less than 0.01% of the agricultural land in Quebec!
Anyway letter sent......
bob forest
2008-12-20, 05:17 PM
would it be possible for those that sent in an email or letter to post that they did. As I mentioned before, this is for all of us. Once day WIMAC might be in that situation. so please send that email.
bob forest
2008-12-23, 09:40 PM
Peter Grant owner of Ted's Hobby Shop took the time to write an email to the Premier. As busy as he is, We appreciate him taking the time.
Hope some of you can do the same.
Here it is.
Here is a copy of the letter I sent.
December 23, 2008
Dear M. Charest,
Congratulations on your victory in our most recent election. I am sure you and the Liberal Party of Quebec will continue to do an effective job of governing our province.
That being said, I am writing you about the CPTAQ and the actions against radio control flying clubs using agricultural land. I, like all other modellers, would like to see an exception to the law. And, if an exception is not possible, maybe just turn a blind eye. No one is getting hurt here!
Clubs do not use much land at all. The three clubs that I have visited use less than 1000’ by 800’ each. Not very much by my eye. The grounds are very well kept. The members are all very proud of their clubs and do their best to maintain an open and inviting atmosphere for all who come to see the action.
The hobby brings joy to many people. The people who fly these models absolutely love all aspects of the hobby. They can’t wait to get home after a days work to get into the work shop and finish off that repair or that new wing. Getting to the field on the weekend with the kids is what they live for. The sounds of the engines, the smell of the fuel, the speed!
The economy is also affected by having flying clubs available. Where do all the people go to fly their models just recently purchased at one of the many hobby shops in Quebec?
If the CPTAQ has their way, that place will be Ontario! By allowing radio control flying clubs to operate on small portions of agricultural land in Quebec, the CPTAQ will help the Quebec economy.
M. Charest, if you have some time this year, go to a radio control aircraft club and see for yourself what a wonderful hobby this is.
Thank you for your time.
Peter Grant
Andrew Fernie
2008-12-26, 11:20 PM
The text below was sent to M.Charest's office as well as to my MNA's (Geoffrey Kelley) office. If you don't know your MNA's email address, check
Dear M. Charest,
I am not in the habit of writing to any level of government, but recent actions by the CPTAQ to close a number of radio controlled (R/C) aircraft clubs around the province have made it clear to me that attention is needed. In essence, the CPTAQ has declared that club activities on land zoned agricultural is illegal and is taking the clubs to court to have them stop. Given that the clubs are all run by volunteers and operate on minimal budgets it is unlikely that they will be able to afford to properly defend themselves in court, so action by the offices of you or your ministers to direct some common sense at the CPTAQ is the only way forward.
While I can understand the need to avoid rampant conversion of Quebec's agricutural land to other uses, the figures as they relate to R/C clubs demonstrate just how insignificant the impact is. According to the ministry of agriculture, fisheries and food, the total amount of agricultural land in Quebec in 2001 was approximately 1.85 million hectares. The total amount of land used by R/C clubs across the provice has been estimated to be approximately 350 acres, or less than 0.01% of the agricultural land in Quebec. In the cases that I am aware of the land is rented by the clubs, and it is clear that if the owner wishes to use the land for agricultural production the lease will not be renewed - there is no permanent loss of the land, merely temporary use of unused land.
Finding land to enable us to enjoy our hobby is always a challenge. Most participants live in or around cities or towns, yet we need to find areas where we are sufficiently removed from houses or buildings to avoid bothering the occupants. This pushes us to the outskirts of the towns or cities, where, in the normal course of events, the land is zoned agricultural. Denying our use of agricultural land will thus end the practice of the hobby, for all intents and purposes, in Quebec.
As a professional working in the Quebec aerospace industry for the past 25 years, and as a father of two young boys, I am always looking for opportunities to encourage my sons to think more about, and to enjoy, the technology that sets this province apart. The hobby of R/C aircraft has been very good in this regard, and I am angered that it will be ended by a government body that appears unable to apply common sense to a simple issue - the R/C clubs of Quebec pose no danger to the agricultural production capability of the province, and the effective ending of the hobby is directly at odds with the need to encourage its citizens to learn more about the high technology areas that will be the future of the provice.
Further information on this matter is available from:
M. Jean Chevalier, président for Club Modéliste Montérégie Napierville: 450-246-4543
M. Steve Wolox, MAAC Director for St-Lawrence Zone: 514-944-8241
M. Paul Burrage, MAAC Assistant Director for St-Lawrence Zone: 514-646-0536
Your truly,
Andrew Fernie
bob forest
2008-12-27, 01:21 AM
Andrew, Thanks for sending in the email, would it be posible for you to post it to the RC Canada thread. It would be most appreciated.
Hoping other members of WIMAC send them in also.
Andrew Fernie
2008-12-27, 06:45 PM
Andrew, Thanks for sending in the email, would it be posible for you to post it to the RC Canada thread.
2008-12-28, 11:28 AM
Not as good and to the point like the one from Andrew, but....
Dear M. Andre Charest, Premier
Dear Mme. Nathalie Normandeau, Vice-Premier
Dear Mme. Michelle Courchesne, Education, Sport and Leisure Minister
Dear Mme. Marguerite Blais, Seniors Minister
Dear Mr. Tony Tomassi, Minister for the Family.
I belong to a group of Quebec Radio Control Hobbysts that would like to call to your attention the threat to our hobby posed by the CPTAQ (Commission de Protection du Territoire Agricole de Quebec) actions.
I understand the reasons for the creation of the CPTAQ but unfortunately I have to call you attention to the indiscriminate application of its power to a very small minority who have no means of defending themselves.
Radio Control Clubs in Quebec fly their Airplanes and Helicopters in farmland because it is one of the natural environments where their activities can be done safely and away from populated areas.
We support anyone who would like to start an entertaining, instructing and safe hobby no matter their age and social status.
The amount of land used for these activities is minimal. The land is rented from farmers who otherwise will keep it fallow or unused.
We would like to be able to explain our position in a more formal manner by requesting an audience or by having the opportunity to demonstrate our activities at your convenience.
We will appreciate you contacting the following with your kind reply:
M. Jean Chevalier, président for Club Modéliste Montérégie Napierville: 450-246-4543
M. Steve Woloz, MAAC Director for St-Lawrence Zone: 514-944-8241
M. Paul Burrage, MAAC Assistant Director for St-Lawrence Zone: 514-646-0536
Thank you for attention to this matter
2008-12-28, 12:12 PM
Here is my contribution
Monsieur le premier ministre Jean Charest,
Je vous écrit pour que vous interveniez auprès de la C.P.T.A.Q. en ce qui concerne les Clubs d' avions téléguidés qui ont du cesser leurs activités.
Ce passe-temps demande l'utilisation d'espaces minimums pour pouvoir prendre place de façon sécuritaire. LA C.P.T.A.Q. a décidé d' abolir ce merveilleux passe-temps en empêchant des clubs d'avions de continuer leurs opérations dans les zones agricoles.
Il n'est pas possible dans biens des cas d' exercer cette activité ailleurs comme dans des zones commerciales à cause de la proximité des bâtiments et des routes.
A bien des endroits à travers le monde les municipalités et les gouvernements encouragent l'existence de ce passe-temps car celui-ci aide à développer l'intéret des jeunes en aéronautique. C'est là que ça commence.
M. Charest, ce passe-temps n'emprunte que 0.01 % des terres agricoles du Québec. Les clubs louent ces espaces aux agriculteurs et ces surfaces empruntées peuvent retrouver leur destinée première dans quelques jours si le besoin s' en fait sentir.
La communauté de tous les membres de club d' avions téléguidés
au Québec compte sur vous pour que vous rappeliez les actions et décisions prises par la C.P.T.A.Q.
Au nom de tous les membres de ce merveilleux passe-temps
Monsieur Charest,
Je vous remercie
bob forest
2008-12-28, 01:52 PM
Luc, could you also post it on RC Canada. like Andrew and Alberto.
Here is a copy of the letter I E-mailed to the Prime Minister's office:
"St Placide, Qc
Le 27 décembre 2008
Mr. Jean Charest, Premier Ministre
Édifice Honoré-Mercier, 3e étage
835, boulevard René-Lévesque Est
Québec (Québec) G1A 1B4
Objet: Bonne et Heureuse Année 2009
Cher Monsieur le Premier Ministre,
Je saisis l’occasion de vous souhaiter une bonne et heureuse année tout en portant à votre attention un problème qui menace l’enthousiasme de la jeunesse du Québec envers l’avenir de l’aérospatiale chez nous.
Les clubs d’aéromodélisme situés surtout en bordure de terrains agricoles constituent un foyer d’enthousiasme pour les jeunes et moins jeunes impliqués dans l’aérospatiale. Malheureusement plusieurs de ces clubs se voient refuser l’accès à leur terrains de vol en vertu des actions de la Commission de la Protection des Territoires Agricoles du Québec.
Il y a sûrement moyen de permettre l’usage d’une minime portion de terre agricole par les clubs d’aéromodellisme, peut-être en assurant que la cultivation des terres adjacentes aux pistes d’aterrissage soit maintenue.
Votre intervention ponctuelle serait fort appréciée dans ce dossier qui est présentement entre les mains de:
M. Jean Chevalier, président for Club Modéliste Montérégie Napierville: 450-246-4543
M. Steve Woloz, MAAC Director for St-Lawrence Zone: 514-944-8241
M. Paul Burrage, MAAC Assistant Director for St-Lawrence Zone: 514-646-0536
Meilleures salutations,
Ned Desbarats, MAAC 139
3315 Rte 344
St Placide, Qc
J0V 2B0"
This was backed up with the following E-mail, to which a copy of the above letter was attached:
"Madame Nathalie Normandeau, Vice Prime Minister
Madame Michelle Courchesne: Educational, sport and family Minister
Madame Marguerite Blais: Eldest/Major Ministers
Monsieur Tony Tomassi: Minister for the Family
Mesdames, Monsieur,
Je vous prie de trouver ci-joint copie d'une lettre que je viens d'envoyer au Premier Ministre M. Jean Charest. Il s'agit de fermetures de terrains de vol nécessaires pour la pratique de l'aéromodellisme. Ce passe-temps qui passionne les mordus de l'aérospatiale est menacé par les actions de la Commission de la Protection des Territoires Agricoles du Québec. Je crois qu'un compromis qui assurerait la cultivation des terrains entourant les pistes serait possible, permettant la double vocation des terres agricoles. Votre intervention à ce dossier serait fort appréciée.
Ce disant, je vous souhaite une bonne et heureuse année 2009!
Ned Desbarats"
Somehow I think the only way to get results is to show the politicians how they will lose votes and tax money if they don't come up with a fix for us...
bob forest
2008-12-28, 10:11 PM
Again, thanks for taking the time. Again, I ask if possible for you to post this letter on RC Canada, all these letters that have different ways of writing the story of what is happening, might encourage others to write something. All you have to do is register, at no cost and then post. If you cant just mention it on this thread, and one of us will post it for you.
This is most probably the most important time for our Hobby jSport. Everyone has to get involved.Letters like yours will hoppefully get others to write.
bob forest
2009-01-04, 01:16 AM
I am sure some of you have not been to RC Canada web site to see what is happening with the CPTAQ situation. Here is the web site.
right now almost 4000 hits. some really good letters, and some from our WIMAC members. We need all the letters we can get. It is very important.
Burning Head
2009-01-04, 09:44 AM
I will try to seed one too.thank for all the link. But can we make a petission for the club too,coud be sing at the indoor rendez-vous of Monday:cool:
bob forest
2009-01-04, 10:04 AM
A petition has to be mailed in, if someone wants to do it, fine, but what we want is volume, volume of emails.
Burning Head
2009-01-04, 12:20 PM
Copy Bob, I will do it:cool:
Bob, I used your link to send a comment and question along the above lines to Premier Charest and have received a bland acknowledgement from his office. I hope it all helps.
bob forest
2009-01-06, 01:28 AM
yes that is the standard letter we all get back, if you have the email, can you post it on rc canada on that thread. thanks, what counts is the number of them they will get.
Unfortunately I forgot to get a copy of it before submitting it on-line.
bob forest
2009-01-24, 10:46 AM
Bonjour à tous,
Suite à une rencontre hier jeudi le 22 Janvier 09 avec M. Stéphane Billette, Député Liberal récemment élu, du comté de Huntington a son bureau de Hemmingford, voici un cour résumé de cette rencontre qui a duré prés de 45 minutes.
Après lui avoir communiqué que moi et le trésorier du Club Modéliste M. Noel Robinson (présent) étions ici dans le but de lui demander sa coopération concernant le dossier de la CPTAQ, afin de conserver nos terrains de vol au Québec, dont il était déjà au courant suite a la lettre enregistrée que je lui est fait parvenir a la fin de Décembre 2008 et qui était des plus explicative, il me dit : M. Chevalier votre lettre je l'ai lu a deux reprises, ce qui en dit long. Sans hésiter il me proposa une rencontre a Québec avec le Comité Ad Hoc de MAAC et le Chef de Cabinet de M. Laurent Lessard Ministre de l'Agriculture dans un cour délais. Pour votre information le Chef de Cabinet d'un Ministre est la plus haute autorité après le Ministre.
Aussi M. Billette (aussi agriculteur) nous a avisé que lui même déplorais le fait que la CPTAQ outre passait ses propre lois et que le tout était des plus ridicule envers nous car après lui avoir montré plusieurs photos de la récupération de tout le foin effectué chaque année par notre propriétaire M. Real Hebert et que nous n'avions aucune infrastructures permanente, il a émis l'opinion suivante, et je cite : CELA N'AFFECTE EN RIEN L'AGRICULTURE, opinion que je communiquerais a l'UPA et au Chef de Cabinet de M. Lessard.
Alors en conclusion, je crois personnellement que nous avons frappé à la bonne porte car M. Billette est un jeune homme de moins de 40 ans très énergique et positif face a notre problème voulant se tailler une place de haut niveau dans la Gouvernement Charest avec un avenir très prometteur. Il a aussi par le passé occupé une place de haut niveau a l'UPA avec de nombreux contactes, qui peuvent seulement être a notre avantage.
Je crois que nous avons avec nous un allié de taille des plus coopératif qui demande qu'a nous aider.
************************************************** ************
Greetings to all,
Following a meeting I had yesterday Thursday January 22nd 2009 with my Clubs Tresurer, Noel Robinson and our new libéral Member of the Provincial Gouverment Mr Stephane Billette, MP for the county of Huntingdon Qc, at is office of Hemmingford Qc, here is a short update of this same meeting that lasted over 45 minutes.
After a short explanation about the reason being here, we told him that we were here to obtain is cooperation and help in winning our battle with the CPTAQ which he demonstrated us that he was more than willing to do evrything he could to help us. Being already aware of this problem re my registrate letter sent to him at the end of December 2009 and also to all the different Ministries who could become involved in this case, he said to me, your letter Mr Chevalier, I read it twice as I could not beleive how the CPTAQ are threatning you modelers with a law which is one of the most ridiculous concerning your small flying field on agricultural land.
He then proposed me himself an appointment with the Chief of Cabinet of Mr Laurent Lessard the Minister of Agriculture in Quebec City who is the highiest authority after the Minister, and the one who makes all the decisions for the Minister, this of course with the AdHoc commitee of MAAC.
Also Mr Billette (who is also a farm owner) told us, that himself was deploring the fact that the CPTAQ has been going overboard with their laws at many levels in the Province of Quebec, and this has to change in a near future.
After showing him many pictures of our landlord Mr Real Hebert collecting the crop on and around our field with his equipments every years and also showing him our temporarely infra structures he then said to me, and I quote THIS DOES NOT AFFECT AGRICULTURE IN ANY WAYS, and this is my opinion, opinion that I will pass on and communicate to UPA (Union des producteurs agricole du Quebec) and to the Minister of Agriculture Mr Lessard.
Ending up this update, I do beleive that we have knockned at the right door for the reason that Mr Billette is a young man (less than 40 years of age) who is very energic and positive concerning our problem, with a goal in mind to acceed to a higher level of the gouverment of Quebec in th future, and willing to defend his follow citizens. In the past he was also a high representative of the UPA in Quebec and also very well known in the agricultural circle, who can only be favorable and positive to us.
I do beleive, that we now have an allied who is more than willing to help us out.
Jean R Chevalier,Pres
MAAC 5004L
Club Modeliste Monteregie
St Cyprien de Napierville Qc
bob forest
2009-01-24, 10:47 AM
Attention très IMPORTANT, (ceci suite a mon dernier posting d'hier sur RC Canada, a voir)
Suite à mon posting précédent sur RC Canada d'hier, nous vous demandons à nouveau de faire parvenir d'autre courriels, mais cette fois-ci à M. Laurent Lessard, Ministre de l'Agriculture SEULEMENT à l'adresse de courriel mentionnée plus bas, que vous pouvez facilement copier, car même si M. Lessard transfert nos courriels à la CPTAQ au fur et à mesure qu'il les reçoit, cela va à nouveau créer un impact d'avantage selon l'opinion de notre Député M. Stéphane Billette ce qui lui aidera à nous obtenir une rencontre avec le Chef de Cabinet de M. Lessard. M. Lessard est maintenant devenu notre seul cible importante car nous nous somme aperçu que les autres Ministères transféraient tout les courriels reçu à M.Lessard.
M. Lessard est notre nouvelle cible pour le moment.
Merci encore une fois de votre collaboration. Ont ne lâche pas.
Attention very IMPORTANT (This following my last posting of yesterday on RC Canada. pls go take a look)
Following my precedent posting, we are asking you again to forward more e-mails, but this time to Mr Laurent Lessard the Minister of Agriculture ONLY to the e-mail address mentioned below since we have noticed that even if Mr Lessard is transferring all the e-mails sent to him from the other Ministries to the CPTAQ, by loading him with e-mails according to our Member of Parliement Mr Billet this will only help him to get an appointement with Mr Lessard's Chief of Cabinet.
Mr Lessard is our new target for the present, so please help us, send tons of e-mail to him.
Again thanks a lot for your input and collaboration, we will keep you posted.
Jean Chevalier Pres, aussi membre du Comité adhoc de MAAC
Club Modeliste Monteregie
MAAC 5004L
St Cyprien de Napierville Qc
2009-01-24, 11:38 AM
M. Laurent Lessard
Ministre de l'Agriculture .
Dear Mr Lessard:
It is a rare occasion when I write to a Minister or a Member of the National Assembly but I believe that in doing so you will become aware and willing to help us, an enthusiastic group of Radio Control hobbyists of the Province, that see the continuity of their hobby threatened by some decisions and actions of the CPTAQ.
I am sure that by other letters addressed to you that you are already aware of our situation. I am not going to repeat them here. I want to assure you that we are not against the general principles guiding the creation and actions of the CPTAQ, is just that we will appreciate your help in this situation since we are convinced that our activities do not threaten in any way or form the preservation of farming land in Quebec.
Our hobby is practiced by many people, In Quebec as well in the whole of Canada and the U.S. It generates not only an important economic activity but is a social activity that reunites people of all ages and induces young people to continue studies and careers in the field of aeronautics, one of the foundations of Quebec high technology industry.
I appreciate your interest.
Yours truly
bob forest
2009-01-24, 12:28 PM
Thanks Albert. amd tjat os a rea;;u gppd ;etter., If all the members, and visiters to this site, just copy and paste your letter and send it, that would be great.
2009-01-25, 10:26 PM
Bob I have not been able to find the pics of last Saturday"s indoor flying? As far as the situation with the fields. I have already sent my message to Jean Charest and will also E-Mail the other dude. By the way you look much younger in person.
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