View Full Version : 42% Aerotech midwing extra

2007-03-15, 10:39 PM
Howdy again
I am starting this new build thread which is going to be more of a modification thread. But I believe it could be interesting and fun. It will also give an insite into the world of super giant scale.
Let me intruduce you to my latest aquisition the Aerotech 42% midwing Extra300. A few specs:
Wing span: 124 inches
Wing area: 2604 sq. inches
Wing loading:34.5 oz. per sq. foot
wieght: 39lbs
Length: 105 1/2 inches
Elevator span:46 inches
Engine: DA150 or 3W 157
Servos:11 Hitec 5955TG digital (5625MG throttle)
2 each elevator half
2 each aileron
2 rudder
1 throttle

2007-03-15, 10:56 PM
This airplane was owned by Mike Milos. He is good buddy of mine. I met him at Joe Nall in 2006 and we became friends. He is also an IMAC pilot . He won the IMAC intermediate class at the Nationals and he came in second in the intermediate class in the Ontario IMAC season championship with this airplane. I made the deal to purchase the plane at the Can-Am IMAC in Chatham August 2006.
I have put the fuselage and wing next to my 104" wingspan Aeroworks Extra 260 to give an idea of the size of this plane.
The modifications that I will perform over the next few months will be:
1) Remove the ailerons to make new lighter and larger ones. and Align the hinges differently. I will also remove and modify the elevators and Align the hinges differently.
2) Remove some weight fom the engine box area.
3) Assemble and paint the new fibreglass cowling and cooling baffles that Mike supplied with plane.( the original cowling has some paint flaws)
4) Install the engine and cannisters.
5) Install and setup the radio system and setup the throws with the Hitec servo programmer.
6) Repair the graphics and monokote after the modifications.

bob forest
2007-03-16, 08:20 AM
Congrats, Paul, that is going to be something to see. I am sure once you have done your work on her, she will be even more stunning.

2007-04-06, 07:03 PM
Well here we go. I had to modify the rudder due to not enough left and right movement and I felt it was binding. So I removed the covering and sanded the hinge surfaces. You can see the befiore and after deflections

2007-04-06, 07:07 PM
I had to do the same to the elevator halves. This plane was built in such a way that it would only have been good for IMAC, not enought throws for freestyle. The trick will be matching the covering and checker board. Again you can see the before and after mod throws. I now can get at a minimum a full 45 degrees of throw on the elevators and rudder with no binding.

2007-04-06, 07:13 PM
Next came the scariest part. One of the ailerons would deflect 17 degrees and the others, more but not enough. I also found the ailerons a bit small for freestyle. They were under 20% of the wing area. So comes the question. Do I sand them or do I cut them off completely and start again?????? Well you know me!!!

2007-04-06, 07:13 PM
Here's the answer. Hold your breath

2007-04-06, 07:18 PM
I had to very carefull due to the aileron servo extension wires being very close to the cut line. I am still thinking on wether I will build new foam ailerons or build built up balsa ailerons. Some input on this would be very helpful especial if some one has a foam cutter!! I had to cut the aileron in the pictures a littl bigger to be able to match both ailerons exactly.

2008-01-03, 02:24 PM
It has been a while since I posted on this build . I put off the project for quite a few months due to a personal issue. But now I am back. I won't be posting lots of pictures this time but in the next few days I will post the latest pics . I will however give a brief rundown of the modifications up til now. I finally got up the courage to rebuild the ailerons and with a lot of gorilla glue ,balsa and patience they were finished. 1/4 pound lighter each. and 50 degrees of deflection. I then received an early Xmas present. A Quique models 35% pitts Python, believe it or not I had the will power to put the pitts back in its box until I finished the building and base covering on the 42% extra. It was absolute torture but I made it. then I bought the orange monokote to do the repairs and changed, once again my tiny mind and stipped the airframe of the 42% down to the balsa and covered the whole airframe in white, once this was done I assembled the Pitts "Amazing" more on this another day. Back to the Extra. I decided that I would install the engine, radio equipment and hardware before I started the graphics ( I estimate 80 to 120 hours for the graphics) read on>>>>>>>>

2008-01-03, 02:43 PM
I had all the radio equipment installed , but the rudder gave me all kinds of problems to the right the cable tightened alot to the left, they became slacker than a"______________"( fill in with what ever comparison to slacknes that makes you smile) after many hours of adjusting and reprogramming the Hitec servos, I realised the problem came from the original construction the control horn assembly was not level or perpendicular to the hinge line also the was a huge warp in the rudder ( bad constuction) so out came the circular saw and off came the whole just newly recovered rudder. I built a new lighter more scale shaped rudder. it has now been recovered again. No more slop. Thank the almighty. Now the graphics fun starts. I will not try to discribe the scheme I will post pics shortly.I believe it will be my most ambitious endeavor yet ,unless Michael V. has something to say. That's all for now.
I wish every one a very Happy New years with many hours of comradery and great flying......

2008-02-09, 10:44 AM
I have finally finish the mods to my 42% Aerotech midwing Extra 330. In the end I had to cut of and rebuild the ailerons, rudder and elevators. I had to modify the engine box and the canopy. ( I removed more than 1/2 pound in the canopy alone). I lightened the fuselage and had to rebuild the pull pull system. finish and paint a new cowling.

2008-02-09, 10:46 AM
more photos

2008-02-09, 10:50 AM
Rudder etc.

2008-02-09, 10:51 AM
here are some photos of the graphics

2008-02-09, 10:53 AM
here are some more photos of the graphics Quite a few yards of vinyl

2008-02-09, 10:54 AM
here are some photos of the graphics candi apple red, metalic blue and silver

2008-02-09, 10:56 AM
it should wiegh around 38.5 pounds

2008-02-09, 11:04 AM
Well that's it. Now comes the fun part. waiting for all this snow to disappear so that I can fire this monster up, get it in the air and go crazy. I now have to finish my 35% Quique modelsa Pitts Python. and the new fuseale for my 35% aeroworks Extra 260 should be here in a couple of weeks. so I still alot of winter work ahead of me. I hope everybody is having a good building season. I look forward to having alot of fun with all of you. Don't forget "simulators are Great"

Take Care

Eric Marchand
2008-02-09, 08:27 PM
Wow !!! That's a show piece Paul !

Question : What is that grey flaky finish inside the fuselage, and what is it's purpose ?

2008-02-09, 10:01 PM
Hey Eric good to here from you. The interior finish is basically a few things ,none of them good. I bought this airplane already built, But I did not realise how many things were wrong with it until it was too late. Luckily I was able to rectify all of the problems except I could not remove the grey paint. It was, I suppose, supposed to make the interior look good but what it did was just add weight and prevent me from really cleaning up the interior with out made a dogs breakfast out of it. It is due to the paint that I removed 1/2 a pound out of the canopy alone. This plane came in first in intermidiate at the 2006 nationals. The max elevator throws were as follows: up left 9 degrees down 15 degrees. Up right 14 degres down 8 degrees. both Ailerons started to bind from 8 degrees on. As you can see in the pictures the rudder had a huge twist in it so I amputated it and built a new one, on the finished fuse. The motor was almost 1/2" to much to the left. The cannister tunnel had completely come adrift and I could not fit standard cannisters in it without alot of work, which I did, but swore the whole time. Now she is a "Paul" standard craft and should fly incredible. Everything straight and 2 pounds lighter. Take care


2008-02-09, 10:05 PM
By the way there are no store or supplier bought Graphics, including the stripes on this airplane. The whole airframe is covered in white monokote. The rest is vinyl. All the Graphics were done by "PAUL'S EXTREME GRAPHIX"

2008-02-11, 01:37 PM
Hi Paul, it looks amazing. Nicest graphics work I've ever seen.
Where do you get the aluminium (?) servo horns? Any comments on them? We are thinking of switching to those.

2008-02-11, 01:47 PM
Hi Paul, it looks amazing. Nicest graphics work I've ever seen.
Where do you get the aluminium (?) servo horns? Any comments on them? We are thinking of switching to those.
IsabelThe red ones are same as I have, aluminum SWB (http://www.swbmfg.com/catalog.html)'s, $10USD/each from Troy Built Models (http://www.troybuiltmodels.com/index.html) in the USA (plus lame UPS charges).

2008-02-12, 12:40 PM
thanks Greg

2008-02-12, 01:36 PM
...to top this one, Paul?


Kind of big, isn't it?:p

Michael V
2008-02-12, 05:51 PM
Hi Paul, it looks amazing. Nicest graphics work I've ever seen.
Where do you get the aluminium (?) servo horns? Any comments on them? We are thinking of switching to those.

Hey Isabel
I have one of those arms. I got it from TBM.
I was going to use it on my Edge but I didn't in the end. If you want it call me.

Dwight Macdonald
2008-02-12, 09:43 PM
Awesome graphics Paul!

2008-03-04, 10:44 PM
Thank you for all the kind words I can't wait to fly it so you can all see it in the flesh ,so to speak .I am very proud of it and I appreciate all the comments. I have now been schooled on the program to be able to create any graphic I would like to. I am looking for someone who would have an airframe for me to practice on. gratis