View Full Version : Need Buddy Box/Jr Radio/Trainer Cable

2008-09-25, 04:06 PM
Hi all,
I just need a buddy box for my JR Sport SX600 Radio. I'm looking forward to find a second hand, JR Radio which supports a trainer cable like in this link ( http://www.greathobbies.com/productinfo/?prod_id=JRPA130 ) to use it as a buddy box. If you already have a buddy box that you don't use anymore and/or trainer cable and/or just a JR radio that works please contact me through this thread or private message or even you can give me a call from (514)586-0250.


bob forest
2008-09-25, 06:03 PM
Hi, I have a JR radio, 6 chanel with receiver. the receiver is excellent, but the trans, I would not use to fly, as it emits a signal, on some other chanel, I don't recal which one, but Luc had problems when my radio was on, I think he was on 54 but not sure, I am on 55.
all for 50 bucks and I will throw in another jr receiver, which you can use with your Jr just change the crystal. The Trans as a buddy box will be good, as it does not transmit when on the buddy box. you can call me on my cell 514-497-2969

2008-09-25, 11:02 PM
Just to say I was on channel 36. This is 380 Khz from yours on channel 55.
This was surprising.
