View Full Version : MAAC St-Lawrence Zone AZM 2008

2008-09-04, 10:57 AM

Saturday, October 25th, 2008
9:30AM to 4:00PM



5300 rue Chauveau
Montreal, Quebec
H1N 3V7


Call Meeting To Order; Establish Quorum (5% of Open Membership)
Designation of Recording Secretary; Sergeant at Arms
Reading of Minutes from last year’s meeting
Business from the Minutes
Old Business
Zone Director’s Report
New Business

Election of Zone Director
Election of Deputy Zone Director
Designation of Assistant Zone Directors ( optional at this time )

Nomination for Committee Chairmen see last years list
Nomination for Leader Members and Hall of Fame Award
Closing Remarks

Update: Loot bags will be handed out at Registration and Attendance prizes and gift certificates (http://picasaweb.google.ca/s.woloz/PRIZESAZM08?authkey=CA-Bs1pdsOY) for MAAC (http://www.maac.ca/) members will be available for grabs, thanks to Great Hobbies (http://www.greathobbies.com/) and Ted's Hobby shop including a brand new FASST 2.4GHz transmitter from Futaba.

2008-09-04, 06:34 PM
Greg, what time does it start and expect to finish?

bob forest
2008-09-04, 09:08 PM
start time around 9:30, but the doors are open at 9 am. You can bring your planes or Helis for display.
Then in the afternoon is the AZM and hoping it ends around 3:30 to 4pm. What Gregg posted is the schedual for the meeting. By making it a full day, it makes the AZM a lot more interesting. Last year we had over 150 members that turned out. Plus the visit and tours of the school, where they learn about building and working on planes, is worth the visit. Last year also a few gave electric foamy demos. So lots of things to do. Their is also a cafeteria right there.
Also their is a table for stuff you want to sell. Last year lot's of things were sold. Hoping for a big turnout out again this year.
Steve is also looking for someone that would like to go for the Deputy Zone Director. I promised him two years, and they are up. So looking for someone that would be interested in the job.

bob forest
2008-09-07, 11:13 AM
Hi guys, Alberto, has a proxy form with him. If you feel you might not be a ble to go to the AZM, it would be nice if you coul sign the proxy.
Much appreciated.

bob forest
2008-09-08, 09:48 PM
Hi guys, I just want to mention again, that for those that have not signed the proxy, if you see Alberto, go up to him ans ask him for the form. It is very important, as Steve needs every vote. He has been working hard for MAAC and for us and doing a great job. With his two years of experience, he will be able to continue and use that experience to make things work even better. So please when you are at the field, sign that proxy, or even better, make a copy of one from the MAAC web site, sign it and leave it in the Transmitter box. Put my name Bob Forest where it say, this will allow,_____________________
Then sign your name, MAAC no. your sone which is St. Lawrence and the date you signed.
Here is the location that you can get the form.
Thanks for your help.
Bob Forest
MAAC 4131-L

bob forest
2008-09-09, 11:43 AM
Sorry, I had posted a proxy form for the agm, should of been for the AZM, so here it is.
I also corrected the previous message.

2008-09-09, 12:02 PM
Proxy form attached...

Burning Head
2008-09-09, 10:31 PM
If I understand,I imprime and full the proxy and I give to Alberto nex time I see him at the club.copy bro:cool:

bob forest
2008-09-09, 10:35 PM
Yes, that would be good, Thanks, Bob

2008-09-27, 06:19 PM
Quelques informations importantes pour la « Réunion annuelle de la zone (AZM) »: le 25 Octobre 2008 à l'École des Métiers Aérospatiale de Montréal situé 5300, rue Chauveau, Montréal, H1N 3V7.

1: SVP : Faire suivre l'information (si dessous) à tous vos membres, merci.
2 : Programme des Ailes : S'il vous plaît, envoyez-moi dès que possible les noms des nouveaux diplômés (Programme des Ailes) de leurs instructeurs (pour tous les clubs). Chaque personne recevra un diplôme spécial à l'AZM.
Information à transmettre concernant la rencontre (AZM) :

Cadeaux pour tous : Toutes les personnes participantes à l'AZM recevront un sac promotion contenant de nombreux cadeaux.

Prix de présence : Nous allons faire tirer des prix de présence pour les membres du MAAC, parmi les prix nous aurons des items très intéressants tel que :
- Une radio 6 canaux 2.4ghz de Futaba (FAAST) incluant un receiver R607 FS d'une valeur de 275 $
- Un kit RTF d'hélicoptère électrique complet de Skylift Tandem (donné par Great Hobbies) d'une valeur de 300 $

Tirage au sort : Nous allons vendre des billets de tirage pour les cadeaux donnés par nos commanditaires tels que :
- Un pack de batteries Lithium-Polymère ((donné par Great Hobbies) d'une valeur 100 $
- Un avion électrique prêt à voler de Skymaster (donné par St-Jean Téléguide) d'une valeur 250 $
- 2 outils électriques à main offert par Réno Dépôt d'une valeur de 250 $
- Une hélice de bois donné par MSC PROPELLORS d'une valeur de 30 $.
- Ainsi que plusieurs autres prix très intéressants.
Swap Shop : Ceux qui désirent acheter ou vendre des objets pourront le faire lors de la vente « SWAP SHOP » ; Il y aura un coût fixe de 5$ pour l'incription (pour pouvoir vendre, l'achat est gratuit).
Il y aura des prix spéciaux pour les nouveaux pilotes qui ont obtenu leurs Ailes cette année. Il y aura des prix spéciaux pour les clubs ayant un grand pourcentage de leurs membres présents à l'AZM.

Notes Importantes :.

Ne manquez pas cette rencontre. Si vous ne pouvez pas y assister, s'il vous plaît signer un vote par procuration (http://www.maac.ca/docs/2007/proxy_voting_form_for_annual_zone_meeting_multi.pd f), c'est très important.
Nous avons besoin de votre soutient pour un autre mandat.

Steve Woloz
MAAC St-Laurent Zone Director
( Phone: (514) 944 8241
: Regular Email: s.woloz@swaassoc.com (s.woloz@swaassoc.com)
: Wireless Email: s.woloz@rogers.blackberry.net (s.woloz@rogers.blackberry.net)

Burning Head
2008-09-27, 09:32 PM
WoW,you got to be kidding.now :cool:I think I will go, danke schon Albert